Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and vapor-grown carbon nanofibers (VGCNFs)/epoxy matrix nanocomposites were prepared, respectively. The microstructure of the nanocomposites was observed by SEM and the resistivities of the nanocomposites with different concentration of CNTs/VGCNFs were measured. Based on the experimental results, the dispersion of SWNTs and MWNTs were relatively poor but that of VGCNFs is uniform within the matrix. The resistivitiy of pure epoxy is about 1010.5Ω · cm and several orders of magnitude higher than those of SWNT, MWNT and VGCNF/epoxy nanocomposites. The resistivities of the nanocomposites drop with the increase of the CNTs/VGCNFs content in the matrix and the resistivity of VGCNFs/epoxy nanocomposites was much lower than that of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites.