Searches for Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) stand at the forefront of experimental particle physics research, offering a sensitive probe to many scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. The high proton–proton collision energy and luminosity provided by the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the excellent CMS detector performance allow for an extensive program of LFV searches. This paper reviews a broad range of LFV searches conducted at the CMS experiment using data collected in LHC Run 2, including τ→3μ decays, Higgs boson decays, and top quark production and decays. In each analysis, the online and offline event selections, signal modeling, background suppression and estimation, and statistical interpretation are elucidated. These searches involve various final state particles in a large transverse momentum range, showcasing the capability of the CMS experiment in exploring fundamental questions in particle physics.