In 1990, scientists agreed that increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHG) will enhance the earth's average temperature in the coming decades. Later, the same group from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1995 reported that there is now a discernible effect of human activity. There continues to be substantial scientific uncertainty as to the magnitude of this impact on population, economic, environment and other sectors of the ecosystems, at global, regional and national levels. These uncertainties do not mean that GHG emissions can be safely ignored, rather they call for urgent response strategies to be developed.
This paper discusses the outputs from a number of scientific monitoring and research activities currently being implemented in the Pacific region, including the “South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project” in the Forum Island countries. These aim to reduce the uncertainties in order to formulate national response strategies to mitigate or reduce the impacts of climate change and sea level rise in the region.
The response options developed in the Pacific region will be discussed, emphasising especially the development of adaptation option-Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) and Planning.