Semantic Web and Sensor Networks are two exciting areas of ongoing research and development. While much of the existing research in sensor networks has focused on the design of sensors, communications, and networking issues, the needs and opportunities arising from the rapidly growing capabilities and scale of dynamically networked sensing devices open up demands for efficient data management and convenient programming models. Semantic web represents a spectrum of effective technologies that support complex, cross-jurisdictional, heterogeneous, dynamic and large scale information systems. Recently, growing research efforts on integrating sensor networks with semantic web technologies have led to a new frontier in networking and data management research. The goal of the chapter is to develop an understanding of the semantic web technologies, including sensor web, ontologies, and semantic sensor web services, which can contribute to the growth, application and deployment of large-scale sensor networks, leading to a broad interdisciplinary scope, such as ontology-based sensor networks, semantic sensor networks, cognitive radio networks, and so on.