Improved of chemical corrosion resistance of silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics is strongly desired. However, there is not enough information on chemical corrosion at present. In this paper, corrosion resistance of two kinds of Si3N4 based ceramics with different additives developed for bearing material was investigated. One of the specimens is composed of Si3N4-Y2O3-Al2O3-AlN-TiO2, the other of Si3N4-SiC-MgAl2O4-SiO2-TiO2. A corrosion test was conducted under conditions of 240h-soaking at 30°C and 100h-soaking at 80°C in acid and base solutions. The weights of both specimens after soaking were confirmed to decrease with decreasing concentration of sulfuric acid. The bending strength also decreased in proportional to the weight change. Contrary to the results in acid solutions, the weights of the specimens decreased with increasing concentration of sodium hydroxide solutions. The weight changes at 80°C were much larger than those at 30°C. The extent of corrosion was found to depend on the composition of the ceramics. Specimens with additives of Y2O3, Al2O3, AlN, and TiO2 tended to corrode more easily than those with SiC, MgAlO4, SiO2 and TiO2. A correlation between the weight loss and the bending strength was established.