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  • articleNo Access

    Firefly-Based Maintainability Prediction for Enhancing Quality of Software

    In a broad spectrum, software metrics play a vital role in attribute assessment, which successively moves software projects. The metrics measure gives many crucial facets of the system, enhancing the system quality of software developed. Moreover, maintenance is the correction process that works out in the software system once the software is initially made. The noteworthy characteristic of any software is ‘change,’ and as a result, additional concern ought to be taken in developing software. So, the software is expected to be modified effortlessly (maintainable). Predicting software maintainability is still challenging, and accurate prediction models with low error rates are required. Since there are so many modern programming languages on the horizon. To accurately measure software maintainability, new techniques have to been introduced. This paper proposes a maintainability index (MI) by considering various software metrics by which the error gets minimized. It also intends to adopt a renowned optimization algorithm, namely Firefly (FF), for the optimum result. The proposed Base Model-FF is compared to other traditional models like BM-Differential Evolution (BM-DE), BM-Artificial Bee Colony (BM-ABC), BM-Particle Swarm Optimization (BM-PSO), and BM-Genetic Algorithm (BM- GA) in terms of performance metrics like Differential ratio, correlation coefficient, and Random Mean Square Error (RMSE).

  • articleNo Access

    Software Quality Classification Modeling Using the SPRINT Decision Tree Algorithm

    Predicting the quality of system modules prior to software testing and operations can benefit the software development team. Such a timely reliability estimation can be used to direct cost-effective quality improvement efforts to the high-risk modules. Tree-based software quality classification models based on software metrics are used to predict whether a software module is fault-prone or not fault-prone. They are white box quality estimation models with good accuracy, and are simple and easy to interpret.

    An in-depth study of calibrating classification trees for software quality estimation using the SPRINT decision tree algorithm is presented. Many classification algorithms have memory limitations including the requirement that datasets be memory resident. SPRINT removes all of these limitations and provides a fast and scalable analysis. It is an extension of a commonly used decision tree algorithm, CART, and provides a unique tree pruning technique based on the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle. Combining the MDL pruning technique and the modified classification algorithm, SPRINT yields classification trees with useful accuracy. The case study used consists of software metrics collected from a very large telecommunications system. It is observed that classification trees built by SPRINT are more balanced and demonstrate better stability than those built by CART.

  • articleNo Access


    A rule-based classification model is presented to identify high-risk software modules. It utilizes the power of rough set theory to reduce the number of attributes, and the equal frequency binning algorithm to partition the values of the attributes. As a result, a set of conjuncted Boolean predicates are formed. The model is inherently influenced by the practical needs of the system being modeled, thus allowing the analyst to determine which rules are to be used for classifying the fault-prone and not fault-prone modules. The proposed model also enables the analyst to control the number of rules that constitute the model. Empirical validation of the model is accomplished through a case study of a large legacy telecommunications system. The ease of rule interpretation and the transparency of the functional aspects of the model are clearly demonstrated. It is concluded that the new model is effective in achieving the software quality classification.

  • articleNo Access


    Classification, an important data mining function that assigns class label to items in a collection, is of practical applications in various domains. In software engineering, for instance, a common classification problem is to determine the quality of a software item. In such a problem, software metrics represent the independent features while the fault proneness represents the class label. With many classification problems, one must often deal with the presence of irrelevant features in the feature space. That, coupled with class imbalance, renders the task of discriminating one class from another rather difficult. In this study, we empirically evaluate our proposed wrapper-based feature ranking where nine performance metrics aided by a particular learner and a methodology are considered. We examine five learners and take three different approaches, each in conjunction with one of three different methodologies: 3-fold Cross-Validation, 3-fold Cross-Validation Risk Impact, and a combination of the two. In this study, we consider two sets of software engineering datasets. To evaluate the classifier performance after feature selection has been applied, we use Area Under Receiver Operating Characteristic curve as the performance evaluator. We investigate the performance of feature selection as we vary the three factors that form the foundation of the wrapper-based feature ranking. We show that the performance is conditioned by not only the choice of methodology but also the learner. We also evaluate the effect of sampling on wrapper-based feature ranking. Finally, we provide guidance as to which software metrics are relevant in software defect prediction problems and how the number of software metrics can be selected when using wrapper-based feature ranking.

  • articleNo Access


    Embedded-computer systems have become essential to life in modern society. For example, the backbone of society's information infrastructure is telecommunications. Embedded systems must have highly reliable software, so that we avoid the severe consequences of failures, intolerable down-time, and expensive repairs in remote locations. Moreover, today's fast-moving technology marketplace mandates that embedded systems evolve, resulting in multiple software releases embedded in multiple products.

    Software quality models can be valuable tools for software engineering of embedded systems, because some software-enhancement techniques are so expensive or time-consuming that it is not practical to apply them to all modules. Targeting such enhancement techniques is an effective way to reduce the likelihood of faults discovered in the field. Research has shown software metrics to be useful predictors of software faults. A software quality model is developed using measurements and fault data from a past release. The calibrated model is then applied to modules currently under development. Such models yield predictions on a module-by-module basis.

    This paper examines the Classification And Regression Trees (CART) algorithm for building tree-based models that predict which software modules have high risk of faults to be discovered during operations. CART is attractive because it emphasizes pruning to achieve robust models. This paper presents details on the CART algorithm in the context of software engineering of embedded systems. We illustrate this approach with a case study of four consecutive releases of software embedded in a large telecommunications system. The level of accuracy achieved in the case study would be useful to developers of an embedded system. The case study indicated that this model would continue to be useful over several releases as the system evolves.

  • articleNo Access


    Inspection is widely believed to be one of the most cost-effective methods for detection of defects in the work products produced during software development. However, the inspection process, by its very nature, is labor intensive and for delivering value, they have to be properly executed and controlled. While controlling the inspection process, the inspection module size is a key control parameter. Larger module size can lead to an increased leakage of defects which increases the cost since rework in the subsequent phases is more expensive. Small module size reduces the defect leakage but increases the number of inspections. In this paper, we formulate a cost model for an inspection process using which the total cost can be minimized. We then use the technique of Design of Experiments to study how the optimum module size varies with some of the key parameters of the inspection process, and determine the optimum module size for different situations.

  • articleNo Access


    Reliable software is mandatory for complex mission-critical systems. Classifying modules as fault-prone, or not, is a valuable technique for guiding development processes, so that resources can be focused on those parts of a system that are most likely to have faults.

    Logistic regression offers advantages over other classification modeling techniques, such as interpretable coefficients. There are few prior applications of logistic regression to software quality models in the literature, and none that we know of account for prior probabilities and costs of misclassification. A contribution of this paper is the application of prior probabilities and costs of misclassification to a logistic regression-based classification rule for a software quality model.

    This paper also contributes an integrated method for using logistic regression in software quality modeling, including examples of how to interpret coefficients, how to use prior probabilities, and how to use costs of misclassifications. A case study of a major subsystem of a military, real-time system illustrates the techniques.