Tb Doped B2O3-SiO2 phosphor were synthesized by the sol-gel (SG) method and the phase, morphology and luminescence properties of the phosphor were investigated. In this paper, the influence of B ions, annealing temperature on the luminescence properties was studying, and the prepared sample was characterized through Photoluminescence (PL) spectra, XRD, DTA-TG, FTIR and SEM. The powders exhibited emissions at 488, 544 and 585 nm, which were assigned to the 5D4→7F6, 5D4→7F5 and 5D4→7F4 transitions of Tb3+ from PL spectra. It can be clearly seen that luminescence intensity was enhanced, indicating that the symmetry of network is destroyed by B in the network under the infrared spectroscopy (IR). The emission intensity increases up to 400°C and then decreases. Thus, the critical temperature above which the temperature quenching becomes dominant was found to be 400°C.