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  • articleNo Access

    Deterministic error analysis of kernel regularized regression for spherical scattered data

    In this paper, we investigate the deterministic learning problem associated with spherical scattered data for the first time. We design the quadrature-weighted kernel regularized regression learning schemes associated with deterministic scattered data on the unit sphere and the spherical cap. By employing the minimal norm interpolation technique and leveraging results from the numerical integration of spherical radial basis functions over these surfaces, we derive the corresponding learning rates. Notably, our algorithm design and error analysis methods diverge from those typically employed in randomized learning algorithms. Our findings suggest that the learning rates are influenced by both the mesh norm of the scattered data and the smoothness of the radial basis function. This implies that when the radial basis function exhibits sufficient smoothness, the learning rate achieved with deterministic samples outperforms that obtained with random samples. Furthermore, our results provide theoretical support for the feasibility of deterministic spherical learning, which may bring potential applications in tectonic plate geology and Earth sciences.

  • articleNo Access

    Killing fields generated by multiple solutions to the Fischer–Marsden equation II

    In the process of finding Einstein metrics in dimension n3, we can search metrics critical for the scalar curvature among fixed-volume metrics of constant scalar curvature on a closed oriented manifold. This leads to a system of PDEs (which we call the Fischer–Marsden Equation, after a conjecture concerning this system) for scalar functions, involving the linearization of the scalar curvature. The Fischer–Marsden conjecture said that, if the equation admits a solution, the underlying Riemannian manifold is Einstein. Counter-examples are known by Kobayashi and Lafontaine, and by our first paper. Multiple solutions to this system yield Killing vector fields. We showed in our first paper that the dimension of the solution space W can be at most n+1, with equality implying that (M,g) is a sphere with constant sectional curvatures. Moreover, we also showed there that the identity component of the isometry group has a factor SO(dimW). In this second paper, we apply our results in the first paper to show that either (M,g) is a standard sphere or the dimension of the space of Fischer–Marsden solutions can be at most n1.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper we compute the leading order of the Casimir energy for a free massless scalar field confined in a sphere in three spatial dimensions, with the Dirichlet boundary condition. When one tabulates all of the reported values of the Casimir energies for two closed geometries, cubical and spherical, in different space–time dimensions and with different boundary conditions, one observes a complicated pattern of signs. This pattern shows that the Casimir energy depends crucially on the details of the geometry, the number of the spatial dimensions, and the boundary conditions. The dependence of the sign of the Casimir energy on the details of the geometry, for a fixed spatial dimensions and boundary conditions has been a surprise to us and this is our main motivation for doing the calculations presented in this paper. Moreover, all of the calculations for spherical geometries include the use of numerical methods combined with intricate analytic continuations to handle many different sorts of divergences which naturally appear in this category of problems. The presence of divergences is always a source of concern about the accuracy of the numerical results. Our approach also includes numerical methods, and is based on Boyer's method for calculating the electromagnetic Casimir energy in a perfectly conducting sphere. This method, however, requires the least amount of analytic continuations. The value that we obtain confirms the previously established result.

  • articleNo Access


    Spherical splines are used to define approximate solutions to strongly elliptic pseudodifferential equations on the unit sphere. These equations arise from geodesy. The approximate solutions are found by using Galerkin method. We prove optimal convergence (in Sobolev norms) of the approximate solution by spherical splines to the exact solution. Our numerical results underlie the theoretical result.

  • articleNo Access

    The propagation phenomenon of solutions of a parabolic problem on the sphere

    In this paper, we study propagation phenomena on the sphere using the bistable reaction–diffusion formulation. This study is motivated by the propagation of waves of calcium concentrations observed on the surface of oocytes, and the propagation of waves of kinase concentrations on the B-cell membrane in the immune system. To this end, we first study the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions for a parabolic initial-boundary value problem on the sphere with discontinuous bistable nonlinearities. Due to the discontinuous nature of reaction kinetics, the standard theories cannot be applied to the underlying equation to obtain the existence of solutions. To overcome this difficulty, we give uniform estimates on the Legendre coefficients of the composition function of the reaction kinetics function and the solution, and a priori estimates on the solution, and then, through the iteration scheme, we can deduce the existence and related properties of solutions. In particular, we prove that the constructed solutions are of C2,1 class everywhere away from the discontinuity point of the reaction term. Next, we apply this existence result to study the propagation phenomenon on the sphere. Specifically, we use stationary solutions and their variants to construct a pair of time-dependent super/sub-solutions with different moving speeds. When applied to the case of sufficiently small diffusivity, this allows us to infer that if the initial concentration of the species is above the inhomogeneous steady state, then the species will exhibit the propagating behavior.

  • articleNo Access


    In this paper, we prove the long-time existence of the CR Yamabe flow on the compact strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold with positive CR invariant. We also prove the convergence of the CR Yamabe flow on the sphere by proving that: the contact form which is pointwise conformal to the standard contact form on the sphere converges exponentially to a contact form of constant pseudo-Hermitian sectional curvature. We also show that the eigenvalues of some geometric operators are non-decreasing under the unnormalized CR Yamabe flow provided that the pseudo-Hermitian scalar curvature satisfies certain conditions.

  • articleNo Access

    A sharp estimate for Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplace–Beltrami operator for domains in a hemisphere

    Here, we prove an isoperimetric inequality for the harmonic mean of the first N1 non-trivial Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplace–Beltrami operator for domains contained in a hemisphere of 𝕊N.

  • articleNo Access

    A unified approach to scalar, vector, and tensor Slepian functions on the sphere and their construction by a commuting operator

    We present a unified approach for constructing Slepian functions — also known as prolate spheroidal wave functions — on the sphere for arbitrary tensor ranks including scalar, vectorial, and rank 2 tensorial Slepian functions, using spin-weighted spherical harmonics. For the special case of spherical cap regions, we derived commuting operators, allowing for a numerically stable and computationally efficient construction of the spin-weighted spherical-harmonic-based Slepian functions. Linear relationships between the spin-weighted and the classical scalar, vectorial, tensorial, and higher-rank spherical harmonics allow the construction of classical spherical-harmonic-based Slepian functions from their spin-weighted counterparts, effectively rendering the construction of spherical-cap Slepian functions for any tensorial rank a computationally fast and numerically stable task.

  • articleNo Access

    On the widths of Sobolev's classes

    Optimal estimates of Kolmogorov's n-widths, linear n-widths and Gelfand's n-widths of the weighted Sobolev classes on the unit sphere 𝕊d are established. Similar results are also established on the unit ball Bd and on the simplex Td.

  • articleNo Access

    Dual characterizations of the sphere and the hyperbolic space in arbitrary dimension

    There are several well-known characterizations of the sphere as a regular surface in the Euclidean space. On the contrary, there are not so many characterizations of the hyperbolic space, the spacelike sphere in the Minkowski space. By means of a purely synthetic technique, we get a rigidity result for the sphere in 𝔼n+1 without any curvature conditions, nor completeness or compactness, as well as a dual result for the n-dimensional hyperbolic space in 𝕃n+1.

  • articleNo Access

    Concircularity on GRW-space-times and conformally flat spaces

    There are two smooth functions σ and ρ associated to a nontrivial concircular vector field v on a connected Riemannian manifold (M,g), called potential function and connecting function. In this paper, we show that presence of a timelike nontrivial concircular vector field influences the geometry of generalized Robertson–Walker space-times. We use a timelike concircular vector field v on an n -dimensional connected conformally flat Lorentzian manifold, n>2, to find a characterization of generalized Robertson–Walker space-time with fibers Einstein manifolds. It is interesting to note that for n=4 the concircular vector field annihilates energy-momentum tensor and also that in this case the potential function σ is harmonic. In the second part of this paper, we show that presence of a nontrivial concircular vector field v with connecting function ρ on a complete and connected n -dimensional conformally flat Riemannian manifold (M,g), n>2, with Ricci curvature Ric(v,v) non-negative, satisfying n(n1)ρ+τ=0, is necessary and sufficient for (M,g) to be isometric to either a sphere Sn(c) or to the Euclidean space En, where τ is the scalar curvature.