We extend the resolvent estimate on the sphere to exponents off the line 1r−1s=2n. Since the condition 1r−1s=2n on the exponents is necessary for a uniform bound, one cannot expect estimates off this line to be uniform still. The essential ingredient in our proof is an (Lr,Ls) norm estimate on the operator Hk that projects onto the space of spherical harmonics of degree k. In showing this estimate, we apply an interpolation technique first introduced by Bourgain [J. Bourgain, Estimations de certaines fonctions maximales, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math.301(10) (1985) 499–502.]. The rest of our proof parallels that in Huang–Sogge [S. Huang and C. D. Sogge, Concerning lp resolvent estimates for simply connected manifolds of constant curvature, J. Funct. Anal.267(12) (2014) 4635–4666].