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It is shown how a noncommutative spacetime leads to an area, mass and entropy quantization condition which allows to derive the Schwarzschild black hole entropy A4G, the logarithmic corrections, and further corrections, from the discrete mass transitions taking place among different mass states in D=4. The higher-dimensional generalization of the results in D=4 follows. The discretization of the entropy-mass relation S=S(M) leads to an entropy quantization of the form S=S(Mn)=n, such that one may always assign n “bits” to the discrete entropy, and in doing so, make contact with quantum information. The physical applications of mass quantization, like the counting of states contributing to the black hole entropy, black hole evaporation, and the direct connection to the black holes-string correspondence [G. Horowitz and J. Polchinski, A correspondence principle for black holes and strings, Phys. Rev. D55 (1997) 6189.] via the asymptotic behavior of the number of partitions of integers, follows. To conclude, it is shown how the recent large N Matrix model (fuzzy sphere) of C.-S. Chu [A matrix model proposal for QG and the QM of black holes, preprint, arXiv:2406.01466] leads to very similar results for the black hole entropy as the physical model described in this work which is based on the discrete mass transitions originating from the noncommutativity of the spacetime coordinates.
In the first sections of this paper we give an elementary but rigorous approach to the construction of the quantum Bosonic and supersymmetric string system continuing the analysis of Dimock. This includes the construction of the DDF operators without using the vertex algebras. Next we give a rigorous proof of the equivalence between the light-cone and the covariant quantization methods. Finally, we provide a new and simple proof of the BRST quantization for these string models.
It is the purpose of this work to pursue a novel physical interpretation of the nontrivial Riemann zeta zeros and prove why the location of these zeros zn = 1/2+iλn corresponds physically to tachyonic-resonances/tachyonic-condensates, originating from the scattering of two on-shell tachyons in bosonic string theory. Namely, we prove that if there were nontrivial zeta zeros (violating the Riemann hypothesis) outside the critical line Realz = 1/2 (but inside the critical strip), these putative zeros do not correspond to any poles of the bosonic open string scattering (Veneziano) amplitude A(s, t, u). The physical relevance of tachyonic-resonances/tachyonic-condensates in bosonic string theory, establishes an important connection between string theory and the Riemann Hypothesis. In addition, one has also a geometrical interpretation of the zeta zeros in the critical line in terms of very special (degenerate) triangular configurations in the upper-part of the complex plane.
Motivated by string theory results, we study Liouville black hole solutions and their thermodynamics on noncommutative space. In particular, we present explicit solutions of black hole equations of motion, then we find their classical properties such as the ADM-mass, the horizon geometry and the scalar Ricci curvature. Thermodynamic properties of such noncommutative black hole solutions including the Hawking temperature and entropy function are also discussed for three different regions of the moduli space of the theory.
We present a new class of elliptic-like strings on two-dimensional manifolds of constant curvature. Our solutions are related to a class of identities between Jacobi theta functions and to the geometry of the light-cone in one dimension more. We show in particular that two well-known fundamental identities among theta functions have a natural interpretation as expressing the Virasoro constraints of dS or AdS strings.
A Clifford-gravity-based model is exploited to build a generalized action (beyond the current ones used in the literature) and arrive at relevant numerical results which are consistent with the presently-observed de Sitter accelerating expansion of the universe driven by a very small vacuum energy density ρobs ~ 10-120(MP)4 (MP is the Planck mass) and provide promising dark energy/matter candidates in terms of the 16 scalars corresponding to the degrees of freedom associated with a Cl(3, 1)-algebra-valued scalar field Φ in four dimensions.
It is described how the Extended Relativity Theory in C-spaces (Clifford spaces) allows a unified formulation of point particles, strings, membranes and p-branes, moving in ordinary target spacetime backgrounds, within the description of a single polyparticle moving in C-spaces. The degrees of freedom of the latter are provided by Clifford polyvector-valued coordinates (antisymmetric tensorial coordinates). A correspondence between the p-brane (p-loop) “Schrödinger-like” equations of Ansoldi–Aurilia–Spallucci and the polyparticle wave equation in C-spaces is found via the polyparticle/p-brane correspondence. This correspondence might provide another unexplored avenue to quantize p-branes (a notoriously difficult and unsolved problem) from the more straightforward quantization of the polyparticle in C-spaces, even in the presence of external interactions. We conclude with comments about the compositeness nature of the polyvector-valued coordinate operators in terms of ordinary p-brane coordinates via the evaluation of n-ary commutators.
The action of active diffeomorphisms (diffs) r→ρ(r) on the Schwarzschild metric leads to metrics which are also static spherically symmetric solutions of the Einstein vacuum field equations. It is shown how in a limiting case it allows to introduce a deformation of the manifold such that ρ(r=0)=0, and ρ(r=0+)=2GM corresponding, respectively, to the spacelike singularity and horizon of the Schwarzschild metric. In doing so, one ends up with a spherical void surrounding the singularity at r=0. In order to explore the “interior” region of this void, we introduce complex radial coordinates whose imaginary components have a direct link to the inverse Hawking temperature, and which furnish a path that provides access to interior region. In addition, we show that the black hole entropy A4 (in Planck units) is equal to the area of a rectangular strip in the complex radial-coordinate plane associated to this path. The gist of the physical interpretation behind this construction is that there is an emergence of thermal dimensions which unfolds as one plunges into the interior void region via the use of complex coordinates, and whose imaginary components capture the span of the thermal dimensions. Namely, the filling of the void leads to an emergent internal/ thermal dimension via the imaginary part βr of the complex radial variable r=r+iβr.
An upper bound for sorting permutations with an operation estimates the diameter of the corresponding Cayley graph and an exact upper bound equals the diameter. Computing tight upper bounds for various operations is of theoretical and practical (e.g., interconnection networks, genetics) interest. Akers and Krishnamurthy gave a Ω(n! n2) time method that examines n! permutations to compute an upper bound, f(Γ), to sort any permutation with a given transposition tree T, where Γ is the Cayley graph corresponding to T. We compute two intuitive upper bounds γ and δ′ each in O(n2) time for the same, by working solely with the transposition tree. Recently, Ganesan computed β, an estimate of the exact upper bound for the same, in O(n2) time. Our upper bounds are tighter than f(Γ) and β, on average and in most of the cases. For a class of trees, we prove that the new upper bounds are tighter than β and f(Γ).