This paper studies the effects of heating rate 4 × 101111 K/s, 4 × 101212 K/s, 4 × 101313 K/s; impurity concentration of Cu on Ni1−x1−xCuxx bulk with x = 0.1, x = 0.3, x = 0.5, x = 0.7; atom number (N), N = 4000 atoms, 5324 atoms, 6912 atoms, 8788 atoms at temperatures (T), T = 300 K; N = 6912 atoms at T = 300 K, 400 K, 500 K, 600 K, 700 K, 800 K; N = 6912 atoms at T = 600 K after time annealing temperature (t), t = 500 ps on the structure, crystallization temperature and crystallization process of Ni1−x1−xCuxx bulk by molecular dynamics (MD) method with interactive embedding Sutton–Chen (ST) and periodic boundary conditions. The structural characteristics were analyzed through radial distribution function (RDF), energy total (Etottot), size (l) and common neighborhood analysis (CNA) method; temperature (T), crystallization temperature (Tgg), crystallization process through relationship between Etottot, T. The results showed Ni1−x1−xCuxx bulk and links Ni–Ni, Ni–Cu, Cu–Cu always exist in 03 types structures: FCC, HCP, Amor. When time annealing temperature increases then Ni1−x1−xCuxx bulk moves from a crystalline state to an amorphous state. When increases impurity concentration of Cu in Ni1−x1−xCuxx bulk, then the structure unit number FCC, HCP decreases and then increases, structure unit number Amor increases and then decreases. When atom number (N) increases, decreasing T and increasing time annealing temperature lead to structure unit number FCC, HCP increases, Amor decreases and structural, crystallization temperature, crystallization process of Ni1−x1−xCuxx bulk change.