In this paper the formulae of magnetic susceptibility (MS) of charged particles are deduced in nonrelativistic and relativistic mean-field approximations in bulk matter. The analytic relativistic expression at high densities and strong fields, deduced for the de Hass–van Alphen (HVA) oscillation, shows that the oscillation frequency is proportional to the square of chemical potential and the reciprocal of the field, and is independent of the temperature. Numerical calculations are performed at finite temperatures and in a field range where the equation of state is not sensitive to the field. The nonoscillatory MS of the protoneutron star, which is dominated by the contributions of electrons (and light quarks, if deconfined) and is almost independent of the field, decreases as the protoneutron matter becomes denser. The numerical results for the HVA oscillation are also given. The oscillation amplitude becomes larger as the star becomes colder. We find that superposition of the HVA oscillations changes the oscillation properties drastically if the color deconfinement occurs at high densities.