In this paper, we applied the method developed by Santhosh and Safoora in [Phys. Rev. C 94 (2016) 024623; 95 (2017) 064611] to theoretically investigate the fusion, evaporation-residue (ER) and fission cross-sections of the synthesis of the unknown superheavy 309,312126 nuclei produced by using the 58Ni + 251Cf and 64Zn + 248Cm combinations. The charge asymmetry, mass asymmetry and fissility of the DiNuclear System (DNS) in the synthesis of the mentioned combinations are also estimated. The calculated results show that the ER cross-sections for the synthesis of the 309−317126 nuclei are predicted to be much less than 1.0fb. In particular, it has been found that there may exist a valley of the ER cross-sections in the synthesis of a superheavy Z=126 element, which produces the 313126 isotope. Subsequently, a model for the mass dependence of the ER cross-section in the synthesis of the 307−320126 isotopes has been proposed for the first time. On the other hand, the quasi-fission process strongly dominates over the fusion in the two concerned interacting systems. The present results, together with those reported in the previous studies, indicate that the investigated projectile–target combinations are not capable for the synthesis of the 309,312126 isotopes due to tiny fusion cross-sections (about 2–3zb), which go beyond the limitations of available facilities. Further studies are thus recommended to search for alternative interacting systems. In conclusion, this work provides useful information for the synthesis of the gap isotopes 308−317126, which have not been well studied up to date.