Theory and Formal Methods of Computing 94
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
MONDAY, 12 September 1994
Games for Recursive Types
Interaction Orders as Games
A Lambda-Evaluator Based on Interaction Nets
Completeness and Continuity Properties of Applicative Bisimulation
Combinators for Interaction Nets
An Internal Language for Interaction Categories
Categorical Logic of Concurrency and Interaction I: Synchronous Processes
Continuation Strictness Analysis of Lists
TUESDAY, 13 September 1994
Modularization and Priorities
Synchronization Trees and Fairness: A Case Study
Locales are Not Pointless
Constructing Specifications and Modules in a KZ-doctrine
Verifying for Reuse: Foundations of Object-Oriented System Verification
Induction and Recursion on the Real Line
From Chu Spaces to Cpos
Static Analysis of Value-Passing Process Calculi
WEDNESDAY, 14 September 1994
Geometric Logic as a Specification Language
Refinement, Subtyping and Subclassing in VDMI++
Towards a GeoZ Toolkit
Denotational Semantics of Timed Dataflow Programs
Inverse Limits of Graphs
Domain of Compututation of a Random Field in Statistical Physics
Author Index