Trace elements in squid statoliths were analyzed by PIXE for the following fourteen species in five families of different habitat origin: Ommastrephidae, Ommastrephes bartrami, Dosidicus gigas, Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis; Gonatidae, Gonatopsis makko, G. borealis, Berryteuthis magister; Loliginidae, Loligo bleekeri, L. duvaucelii, L. chinensis, L. edulis and Sepioteuthis lessoniana; Sepiidae, Sepia aculeata and Sepiella inermis; Sepiolidae, Rossia pacifica, Manganese, iron, copper, zinc and strontium were detected from statoliths of all species examined. Among these trace elements, Sr is the highest in concentration. Variation of statoliths Sr concentration reflects taxonomic position and the habitat of specimens. In Ommastrephids and Gonatids, that have oceanic habitat, statoliths Sr concentration is relatively high whereas that of Loliginids and Sepiids, that have coastal habitat, is comparatively low. This fact supports our previous report on this subject. R. pacifica exceptionally shows high statoliths Sr concentration although this species inhabits in coastal water.