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Head-mounted tablets (HMTs), a type of augmented reality (AR) wearable device that is worn on the head like glasses, have gained vast attention in the manufacturing industry as they enable workers to receive hands-free support. For emerging technologies, it could be useful to predict their acceptance among potential users. Hence, various researchers have utilized the technology acceptance model (TAM) to forecast such acceptance, in the past decade also including HMTs and other AR smart glasses. In this research, an exploratory model is developed to investigate which factors allow to predict a future acceptance of HMTs for training new employees on the shop floor. After collecting 46 survey responses and applying a partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach, the findings indicate that the protection of personal data and satisfaction with the technology significantly influence the usage of HMTs among new employees. Furthermore, a significant effect was found for experience and ease of use.
This study identifies the cultural influences on the adoption of mobile commerce based on the comparative cases of Taiwan and Malaysia, so as to give insights to mobile operators' global entries. Using Hofstede's five cultural orientations as moderators in conjunction to Davis' technology acceptance model (TAM), the combined model has been tested by the confirmatory factor analysis for measurement validity and the multiple regression approach for the moderation effect of cultural influences on the adoption of novel mobile services. This results show that uncertainty avoidance (UA), individualism (ID), and long-term (LT) orientation have significant influences on the influence of perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease-of-use (PEOU) regarding the adoption intentions of mobile commerce. However, the power distance (PD) and masculinity (MA) have different effects in Taiwan and Malaysia. These results not only supplement the explanation of the technology adoption, but also hold strategic implications for the global expansion of mobile operators by emphasizing on local preferences and their differentiation advantages.
The study explores relationship between technological orientations and demographics of bottom of the pyramid (BOP) entrepreneurs in Ghana. The study reviewed literature on the BOP concept. Based on the reviewed literature, hypotheses were developed for testing. Data was collected from 287 micro-entrepreneurs using a structured questionnaire. The data collected was analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analysis. The study found some relationships between technology acceptance, connectivity to networks and entrepreneurial demographics. This provides the information necessary for information communications technology (ICT) and technology companies seeking to expand to these new markets as top of the pyramid markets saturate.
Drawing upon diffusion of innovation (DoI) theory, technology acceptance models (TAMs), social network perspective and resistance literature, the study developed and tested a model, named integrated resistance factor model (IRFM), which integrates four key elements i.e. resistance indicators, support network factors, experience and disposition factors and the integration and accessibility factors. The study investigated if the model applies in a selected technology, namely online project information management systems (OPIMS). The IRFM was tested with partial least square (PLS) techniques and results from the R2 analysis of the whole PLS structural model were significant and the data were coherence with the proposed model (R2=0.484). These results indicated that user resistance to technology innovation can be predicted using the IRFM.
This paper investigates drivers of technology acceptance of and payment for digital journalism. Environments in which digital media content and technology are fused from the perspective of the user, have yet to be researched with technology acceptance models. In this paper, we subsume digital journalistic content as such technology and investigate how the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) explains the use of journalism. Further, we extend traditional acceptance research by investigating not only usage, but payment intention and behavior. To this end, we refer to a representative survey of the German online population (N=4240) and estimate effects within the framework of a structural equation model. The results reveal that the traditional model is better suited to explain usage, but can also explain a substantial part of the variance in payment. Above all, price value, hedonic motivation and social influence appear to have the strongest positive effects on intent and behavior. Surprisingly, effort expectancy has a positive influence on paying intent. Managers who engage in content creation should highlight these aspects. The findings further contribute towards a much needed, better understanding of user behavior across technologies.
Disruptive neo-broker applications (NBAs) enable users to access financial markets easily and have attracted millions of investors worldwide. As a gamified implementation for financial services, NBAs provide a unique research setting in which to examine the determinants of NBA acceptance among investors, some of whom are wholly inexperienced in financial products. We propose a research model specifically designed to explain the usage intention of NBAs by drawing on established factors from technology acceptance and financial behavior research. We validated the research model empirically with structural equation modeling (N = 653) and found significant drivers of NBA acceptance. Distinct from previous finance technologies, we confirmed consumption-oriented factors, including performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit as antecedents of NBA usage intention. From the financial perspective, initial trust and overconfidence were identified as further drivers, while overconfidence in turn is shaped by risk aversion and subjective financial knowledge, indicating a mediated effect on NBA acceptance. Thereby, we present the first NBA-tailored acceptance model that links technology characteristics and financial behavior. Correspondingly, we provide implications for theory and practice.
This research was conducted to fill the research gap between perceived ease of use and intention to use by exploring the Service-Dominant Logic Theory in the development of ergo-functional value resonance. The process involved surveying 352 MacBook users through Instagram. The data obtained were processed using AMOS 23 and the results showed the possibility of ergo-functional value resonance serving as a mediator between perceived ease of use and intention to use. This research contributes to the perspective of Service-Dominant Logic, which regards the product as a medium for value exchange, with the actual value being the functional aspect of the product.