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Let f(x)=x4+ax3+d∈ℤ[x], where ad≠0. Let Cn denote the cyclic group of order n, D4 the dihedral group of order 8, and A4 the alternating group of order 12. Assuming that f(x) is monogenic, we give necessary and sufficient conditions involving only a and d to determine the Galois group G of f(x) over ℚ. In particular, we show that G=D4 if and only if (a,d)=(±2,2), and that G∉{C4,C2×C2}. Furthermore, we prove that f(x) is monogenic with G=A4 if and only if a=4k and d=27k4+1, where k≠0 is an integer such that 27k4+1 is squarefree. This paper extends previous work of the authors on the monogenicity of quartic polynomials and their Galois groups.
Let n∈ℤ with n≥3. Let Sn and An denote, respectively, the symmetric group and alternating group on n letters. Let m be an indeterminate, and define
For each integer n≥2, we identify new infinite families of monogenic trinomials f(x)=xn+Axm+B with non-squarefree discriminant, many of which have small Galois group. Moreover, in certain situations when A=B≥2 with fixed n and m, we produce asymptotics on the number of such trinomials with A≤X.
Consider an irreducible quartic polynomial of the form X4+aX+b, where a,b∈ℤ satisfy vp(a)<3 or vp(b)<4, where vp denotes the exact power of a rational prime p that divides an integer. Such a polynomial is called a p-minimal quartic. Let K be a field defined by a p-minimal quartic. In this paper, we use p-integral bases and introduce the concept of p-index forms in order to determine the field index of K via the coefficients of a defining polynomial in terms of certain congruence conditions.
Let Cn denote the cyclic group of order n, and let Hol(Cn) denote the holomorph of Cn. In this paper, for any odd integer m≥3, we find necessary and sufficient conditions on an integer A, with |A|≥3, such that ℱm,A(x)=x2m+Axm+1 is irreducible over ℚ. When m=q≥3 is prime and ℱq,A(x) is irreducible, we show that the Galois group over ℚ of ℱq,A(x) is isomorphic to either Hol(Cq) or Hol(C2q), depending on whether there exists y∈ℤ such that A2−4=qy2. Finally, we prove that there exist infinitely many positive integers A such that ℱq,A(x) is irreducible over ℚ and that {1,𝜃,𝜃2,…,𝜃2q−1} is a basis for the ring of integers of K=ℚ(𝜃), where ℱq,A(𝜃)=0.
Polynomials of the form ∑aijxpi+pj+L(x) are called quadratic polynomials over a finite field 𝔽pn and the quadratic polynomials of the form ∑aijxpi+pj are called Dembowski–Ostrom polynomials. In this paper, we propose four classes of permutation trinomials of Dembowski–Ostrom type polynomials over finite fields 𝔽2n and two classes of quadratic permutation polynomials of the form ∑aijx2i+2j+L(x) over 𝔽2n.