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The present paper is a polemic which describes how Inflation came on the scene and suggests a possible alternative.
We find a physical state of a closed universe with the minimal excitation of the universe expansion energy in quantum gravity. It is an analog of the vacuum state of the ordinary quantum field theory in the Minkowsky space, but in our approach an energy of space of a closed universe together with the energy of its matter content are minimized. This ground state is chosen among an enlarged set of physical states, compared with the ordinary covariant quantum gravity. In our approach, physical states are determined by weak constraints: quantum mechanical averages of gravitational constraint operators equal zero. As a result, they appear to be non-static in such a modification of quantum gravity. Quantum dynamics of the universe is described by Schrödinger equation with a cosmic time determined by weak gravitational constraints. In order to obtain the observed megascopic universe with the inflation stage just after its quantum beginning, a lot of the energy in the form of the inflaton scalar field condensate is prescribed to the initial state. Parameters of the initial state for a homogeneous model of the universe are calculated.
The conditional principle of extremum in quantum cosmology is formulated for a positive functional of the energy density of space, in which gravitational constraints serve as additional conditions. The extremum conditions determine the discrete spectrum of the “stationary” state of the universe with the corresponding values of the energy density of space. A dynamic interpretation of solutions is proposed, in which the quantum number of the energy density plays the role of cosmic time. In the self-consistent harmonic approximation, the quantum dynamics of the anisotropic model of the Bianchi IX universe is considered.
Perturbative and nonperturbative terms of the cross-sections of ultraperipheral production of lepton pairs in ion collisions are taken into account. It is shown that production of low-mass e+e− pairs is strongly enhanced (compared to perturbative estimates) due to the nonperturbative Sommerfeld–Gamow–Sakharov (SGS) factor. Coulomb attraction of the nonrelativistic components of those pairs leads to the finite value of their mass distribution at lowest masses. Their annihilation can result in an increased intensity of 511 keV photons. It can be recorded at the NICA collider and is especially crucial in astrophysical implications regarding the 511 keV line emitted from the Galactic center. The analogous effect can be observed in lepton pairs production at LHC. Energy spectra of lepton pairs created in ultraperipheral nuclear collisions and their transverse momenta are calculated.
In this paper, the formation of cylindrical wormhole during evolution of manifolds is studied. It is shown that this type of wormholes may be produced at two stages and then disappeared very fast at the third stage. First, one N-dimensional is formed by joining point-like manifolds. Then, this manifold is torn and two child manifolds plus one Chern–Simons manifold appeared. Our universe is born on one of the child manifolds and connected to the other one by Chern–Simons manifold. At the third stage, this Chern–Simons manifold-which plays the role of cylindrical wormhole, dissolves into universes and gives its energy to them and causes inflation. Thus, the Chern–Simons cylindrical wormhole is unstable and dissolves in our four-dimensional universes and another universe very fast.
Recently, the role of energy conditions in f(R)-cosmology has been investigated. We generalize these results to BIonic systems in accelerating systems and show that the energy conditions can be changed in this system. We show that f(R)-gravity produces a wormhole between two universes and forms a BIonic system. On the other hand, the acceleration creates two regions in the Rindler space-time which BIon in each region acts reverse to other in another region. This means that by the expansion of universes of the BIon in one region, universes of another BIon in other regions contract. Also, in this model, by increasing the order of curvatures in f(R)-gravity, the energy and the entropy of system in one region increases and in other region decreases. Amount of this growth or decrease in the energy depends on the acceleration of universes. Finally, by calculating the dark energy equation of state, we observe that one universe enters to phantom phase and goes toward the big rip singularity and another goes out of phantom state.
Traveling backward in time along the timeline of the Universe, we underline what is known experimentally, how sound is our understanding at various moments of its evolution and, towards the origin, at which point hypotheses start to replace certainties.
Starting from the simple premises of one size of fundamental building block, two types of energy and only three dimensions, it is shown that there can be no multiverses outside our universe, that some black holes are observable failed inflation events within our universe and that there can be only one underlying set of the laws of physics. These laws will be the same everywhere and fail nowhere. Composites formed from the building blocks during different inflation events can produce different sizes of fermions, nucleons and atoms, but a type of universe with symmetries similar to ours is the inevitable outcome of a successful inflation event. The building blocks provide the base for matter, anti-matter and dark matter in the same composite forms and show how the existence or otherwise of dark energy can be observed. Also explained are why only positive masses are observed, why some particle configurations and orbits are stable and what the terms ‘energy’ and ‘inertia’ really describe.