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  • articleNo Access


    We consider an anti de Sitter universe filled by quantum CFT with classical phantom matter and perfect fluid. The model represents the combination of a trace-anomaly annihilated and a phantom driven anti de Sitter universes. The influence exerted by the quantum effects and phantom matter on the AdS space is discussed. Different energy conditions in this type of universe are investigated and compared with those for the corresponding model in a de Sitter universe.

  • articleNo Access


    For the Poincaré gauge theory of gravity we consider the dynamical scalar torsion mode in a cosmological context. We explore in particular the possibility of using dynamical torsion to explain the current state of the accelerating Universe. With certain suitable sets of chosen parameters, this model can give a (qualitatively) proper description of the current universe without a cosmological constant, and the universe described is oscillating with a period of the Hubble time.

  • articleNo Access

    Kantowski–Sachs cosmological solutions in the generalized teleparallel gravity via Noether symmetry

    We study the f(T) theory as an extension of teleparallel gravity and consider the Noether symmetry of Kantowski–Sachs (KS) anisotropic model for this theory. We specify the explicit teleparallel form of f(T) and find the corresponding exact cosmological solutions under the assumption that the Lagrangian admits the Noether symmetry. It is found that the universe experiences a power law expansion for the scale factors in the context of f(T) theory. By deriving equation of state (EOS) parameter, we show that the universe passes through the phantom and ΛCDM theoretical scenarios. In this way, we estimate a lower limit age for the universe in excellent agreement with the value reported from recent observations. When KS model reduces to the flat Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) metric, our results are properly transformed into the corresponding values.

  • articleNo Access

    Primordial fluctuations of scale factor in closed Universe in Einstein–Cartan gravity

    We consider a homogeneous and isotropic Universe, described by the minisuperspace Lagrangian with the scale factor as a generalized coordinate. We show that the energy of a closed Universe is zero. We apply the uncertainty principle to this Lagrangian and propose that the quantum uncertainty of the scale factor causes the primordial fluctuations of the matter density. We use the dynamics of the early Universe in the Einstein–Cartan theory of gravity with spin and torsion, which eliminates the big-bang singularity and replaces it with a nonsingular bounce. Quantum particle production in highly curved spacetime generates a finite period of cosmic inflation that is consistent with the Planck satellite data. From the inflated primordial fluctuations we determine the magnitude of the temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, as a function of the numbers of the thermal degrees of freedom of elementary particles and the particle production coefficient which is the only unknown parameter.

  • articleNo Access

    Tachyonic braneworld mimetic cosmology

    Recently, some authors have generalized the idea of mimetic gravity to a Randall–Sundrum II braneworld model [L. Randall and R. Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3370 (1999); L. Randall and R. Sundrum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4690 (1999)] and introduced Braneworld Mimetic Cosmology. In this paper, we extend their new cosmological model to brane–anti-brane systems and obtain the explicit form of potential which appeared in their action. This potential depends on the tachyonic fields, the separation distance between two branes and time. On the other hand, our universe is located on one of the branes and its evolution is controlled by the potential between two branes. By passing time and decreasing the separation distance between branes, more energy dissolves into branes and the universe expands. In the following, we presented the physical applications such as late time accelerating phase, inflation model and behavior of perturbations, with respect to brane–anti-brane system. Finally, we briefly discussed the moduli stabilization of the model.

  • articleNo Access


    The present paper is a polemic which describes how Inflation came on the scene and suggests a possible alternative.

  • articleNo Access

    Ground state of the universe in quantum cosmology

    We find a physical state of a closed universe with the minimal excitation of the universe expansion energy in quantum gravity. It is an analog of the vacuum state of the ordinary quantum field theory in the Minkowsky space, but in our approach an energy of space of a closed universe together with the energy of its matter content are minimized. This ground state is chosen among an enlarged set of physical states, compared with the ordinary covariant quantum gravity. In our approach, physical states are determined by weak constraints: quantum mechanical averages of gravitational constraint operators equal zero. As a result, they appear to be non-static in such a modification of quantum gravity. Quantum dynamics of the universe is described by Schrödinger equation with a cosmic time determined by weak gravitational constraints. In order to obtain the observed megascopic universe with the inflation stage just after its quantum beginning, a lot of the energy in the form of the inflaton scalar field condensate is prescribed to the initial state. Parameters of the initial state for a homogeneous model of the universe are calculated.

  • articleNo Access

    “Stationary” Schrödinger equation in quantum cosmology

    The conditional principle of extremum in quantum cosmology is formulated for a positive functional of the energy density of space, in which gravitational constraints serve as additional conditions. The extremum conditions determine the discrete spectrum of the “stationary” state of the universe with the corresponding values of the energy density of space. A dynamic interpretation of solutions is proposed, in which the quantum number of the energy density plays the role of cosmic time. In the self-consistent harmonic approximation, the quantum dynamics of the anisotropic model of the Bianchi IX universe is considered.

  • articleNo Access

    Ultraperipheral production of lepton pairs (perturbative and nonperturbative effects)

    Perturbative and nonperturbative terms of the cross-sections of ultraperipheral production of lepton pairs in ion collisions are taken into account. It is shown that production of low-mass e+e pairs is strongly enhanced (compared to perturbative estimates) due to the nonperturbative Sommerfeld–Gamow–Sakharov (SGS) factor. Coulomb attraction of the nonrelativistic components of those pairs leads to the finite value of their mass distribution at lowest masses. Their annihilation can result in an increased intensity of 511 keV photons. It can be recorded at the NICA collider and is especially crucial in astrophysical implications regarding the 511 keV line emitted from the Galactic center. The analogous effect can be observed in lepton pairs production at LHC. Energy spectra of lepton pairs created in ultraperipheral nuclear collisions and their transverse momenta are calculated.

  • articleNo Access


    The Einstein–Maxwell-dilaton field equations are considered for four-dimensional Bianchi type-V and VI0 models. The general solutions are obtained and their properties are discussed.

  • articleNo Access


    By following the general guiding principle that nothing should be prescribed or imposed on the universal entity, spacetime, we establish that it is the homogeneity (by which we mean homogeneity and isotropy of space and homogeneity of time) that requires not only a universally constant invariant velocity but also an invariant length given by its constant curvature, Λ and spacetime is completely free of dynamics. Thus c and Λ are the only two true constants of the spacetime structure and no other physical constant could claim this degree of fundamentalness. When matter is introduced, the spacetime becomes inhomogeneous and dynamic, and its curvature then determines by the Bianchi differential identity, the equation of motion for the Einstein gravity. The homogeneity thus demands that the natural state of free spacetime is of constant curvature and the cosmological constant thus emerges as a clear prediction which seems to be borne out by the observations of accelerating expansion of the Universe. However it has no relation to the vacuum energy and it could be envisioned that in terms of the Planck area, the Universe measures 10120 units!

  • articleNo Access

    A possible analogy between the dynamics of a skydiver and a scalar field: Cosmological consequences

    The cosmological consequences of a slow-rolling scalar field with constant kinetic term in analogy to the vertical movement of a skydiver after reaching terminal velocity are investigated. In this approach, the scalar field potential is given by a quadratic function of the field. This model provides solutions in which the universe was dominated in the past by a mixture of baryons and dark matter, is currently accelerating (as indicated by type Ia supernovae data), but will be followed by a contraction phase. The theoretical predictions of this model are consistent with current observations, therefore, a terminal scalar field is a viable candidate to dark energy.

  • articleNo Access

    Can noncommutativity affect the whole history of the universe?

    We study a classical, noncommutative (NC), Friedmann–Robertson–Walker (FRW) cosmological model. The spatial sections may have positive, negative or zero constant curvatures. The matter content is a generic perfect fluid. The initial noncommutativity between some canonical variables is rewritten, such that, we end up with commutative variables and a NC parameter. Initially, we derive the scale factor dynamic equations for the general situation, without specifying the perfect fluid or the curvature of the spatial sections. Next, we consider two concrete situations: a radiation perfect fluid and dust. We study all possible scale factor behaviors, for both cases. We compare them with the corresponding commutative cases and one with the other. We obtain, some cases, where the NC model predicts a scale factor expansion which may describe the present expansion of our universe. Those cases are not present in the corresponding commutative models. Finally, we compare our model with another NC model, where the noncommutativity is between different canonical variables. We show that, in general, it leads to a scale factor behavior that is different from our model.

  • articleOpen Access

    Is cosmic dynamics self-regulating?

    In this paper, we discuss a cosmological model for a universe with self-regulating features. We set up the theoretical framework for the model and determine the time evolution of the scale-factor a(t). It is shown that such a universe repeatedly goes through alternate periods of matter and dark energy domination. The resulting dynamics oscillates about the would-be ideal time-linear or coasting path, with monotonic expansion. When compared to dynamics of the observed physical universe, the model recovers the observationally established evolutionary features of the latter, from the big bang to the current acceleration, and farther. It suggests a universe that initially emerges from a nonsingular state, associated with a non-exponential acceleration, and which acceleration it exits naturally with matter–energy generation. The model does not have a horizon problem or a flatness problem. It reproduces the observed current values of standard cosmic parameters, including the age t0, the current Hubble parameter H0 and dark energy Ωde and matter Ωm density parameters. The model is falsifiable. It makes predictions that can be tested, as suggested. Finally, we discuss the dimensionless age (H0t01) paradox as an example of the model’s ability to address standing puzzles. The findings suggest that dynamics of the physical universe may be self-regulating and predictable.

  • articleOpen Access

    Cosmology of Bigravity

    This article discusses cosmology, bimetric gravity and their possible interplay.

  • chapterNo Access


    I report the results from the first comparison of the genuine one-way speed of light in two directions relative to an inertially moving observer. An anisotropy that is first order in v/c is detected. The implications of the result and its relation to clock comparison experiments are discussed.

  • chapterNo Access


    After a brief review of some results pertaining to the equivalence principle in the context of gravity and quantum mechanics, I discuss the important relation between the equivalence principle and the matter filled universe. I show that the universality of free fall is surprisingly robust in this context even if the gravitational constant is material dependent.

  • chapterNo Access


    Traveling backward in time along the timeline of the Universe, we underline what is known experimentally, how sound is our understanding at various moments of its evolution and, towards the origin, at which point hypotheses start to replace certainties.

  • chapterNo Access


    The nature of consciousness, the mechanism by which it occurs in the brain, and its ultimate place in the universe are unknown. We proposed in the mid 1990's that consciousness depends on biologically “orchestrated” coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity, and that the continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diósi-Penrose (DP) scheme of “objective reduction” (“OR”) of the quantum state. This orchestrated OR activity (“Orch OR”) is taken to result in moments of conscious awareness and/or choice. The DP form of OR is related to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and space-time geometry, so Orch OR suggests that there is a connection between the brain's biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe. Here we review Orch OR in light of criticisms and developments in quantum biology, neuroscience, physics and cosmology. We also introduce novel suggestions of (1) beat frequencies of faster Orch OR microtubule dynamics (e.g. megahertz) as a possible source of the observed electroencephalographic ("EEG") correlates of consciousness and (2) that OR played a key role in life's evolution. We conclude that consciousness plays an intrinsic role in the universe.

  • chapterNo Access

    Inevitability of One Type of Universe, One Set of Physical Laws and Where to Observe Failed Inflation Events Within Our Universe

    Starting from the simple premises of one size of fundamental building block, two types of energy and only three dimensions, it is shown that there can be no multiverses outside our universe, that some black holes are observable failed inflation events within our universe and that there can be only one underlying set of the laws of physics. These laws will be the same everywhere and fail nowhere. Composites formed from the building blocks during different inflation events can produce different sizes of fermions, nucleons and atoms, but a type of universe with symmetries similar to ours is the inevitable outcome of a successful inflation event. The building blocks provide the base for matter, anti-matter and dark matter in the same composite forms and show how the existence or otherwise of dark energy can be observed. Also explained are why only positive masses are observed, why some particle configurations and orbits are stable and what the terms ‘energy’ and ‘inertia’ really describe.