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The IREC system aims to control the evolution of Eiffel classes to enable not only versionning, but also the most possible automatic reactualization of dependent entities: client or heir classes, instances migration, library merging…These reactualizations need a very sharp knowledge of classes' structure and semantics in order to compute deltas, to determine the consequences of changes from different points of view, to dynamically evaluate class invariants…in a both compiled and interpreted framework. This paper presents the reflexive representation chosen in IREC to give the needed knowledge for previous handling. It is presented in the form of an Eiffel language components library, which describes in a distributed way every structural and semantic aspect, from classes up to Eiffel language tokens. Each of these components is equipped with handling methods for the different life cycle phases of the application or library classes. The modularity of the representation and factorisations by inheritance enable to consider of other handlings and the adaptation of current components to other languages.