Background: The Motec cementless modular metal-on-metal ball-and-socket wrist arthroplasty is an implant with promising intermediate results. An alternative to primary wrist fusion, total wrist arthroplasty is an option for active patients, who wish to retain their wrist function. It is indicated in cases of degenerative osteoarthritis, post-traumatic arthritis and rheumatoid (inflammatory) arthritis.
Methods: A prospective review of patient demographics, pre and post-operative Disabilities of the Arm Shoulder and Hand (DASH), MAYO scores, range of movements and grip strengths. All complications in follow up were recorded across the 4 year period.
Results: 25 implants on 23 patients over 5.5 years, mean age 61; 8 females and 15 male. 10 patients with SLAC, 3 SNAC, 5 inflammatory and 7 patients with generalized osteoarthritis. The patients showed significant improvements of MAYO and DASH scores post-operatively, as well as the flexion/extension arc and grip strengths. There was just one case of implant loosening- the radial screw after a wound infection, which was revised with a longer screw. Two implants were converted to Motec fusion due to pain. One implant was dislocated and relocated. The remaining patients have had good wrist function. Only 6 patients were unable to return to work.
Conclusions: Similar to published studies, this series shows the Motec implant to be a good motion preserving alternative to total wrist fusion.
We demonstrate various patterns of traumatic triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears including some atypical that cannot be categorized under Palmer's classification. TFCC traumatic tears in 173 wrists were examined arthroscopically or macroscopically and divided into disk tears (subdivided into four types: slit tear, flap tear, horizontal tear and tear within the distal radioulnar joint) and peripheral tears (subdivided into six types: ulnocarpal ligament tear, dorsal tear, radial tear, ulnar styloid tear, foveal tear and distal radioulnar ligament tear). Combinations of these types were found in 32 wrists. Wrist arthroscopy revealed various traumatic TFCC tears that do not come under Palmer's classification; therefore establishment of a new classification for traumatic TFCC tears seems to be warranted.
The authors present the procedure and results of five years of arthroscopic treatment of wrist radiocarpal and midcarpal ganglia. Thirty cases of dorsal ganglia and seventeen cases of volar ganglia were operated on arthroscopically. The technique was easy to perform in all the radiocarpal ganglia, not easy in midcarpal dorsal ganglia and very difficult in midcarpal volar ganglia. The results were recorded with a mean follow-up of 15 months. Twenty-seven cases of dorsal ganglia and twelve cases of volar ganglia had excellent results with active motion recovery, no complications, absence of scars and no recurrence. Two cases had a recurrence. There were four complications: a case of injury of a radial artery branch, a case of extensive haematoma, and two cases of neuropraxia. In three cases the procedure was converted into open surgery: they had a longer time of healing and a residual scar. The arthroscopic resection has been in our experience effective and safe for the treatment of all radiocarpal ganglia. Good results have been obtained also in the treatment of dorsal midcarpal ganglia. Concerning the uncommon cases of volar midcarpal (STT) ganglia, an open approach seems still indicated.
Background: The role of early radiographic imaging in the management of distal radius fractures (DRFs) is unclear. The aim of this study was to assess whether early post-operative radiographs for DRFs influences the ongoing management of this patient group. We hypothesize that routine early radiographs do not influence the management of DRFs.
Methods: This was a retrospective review of patients undergoing open reduction and internal fixation using a volar locking plate between 2012 and 2017 at our institution. Patients were identified using hospital electronic databases. Clinical information was gathered from the electronic health records and PACS systems and analysed on a spreadsheet. An early post-operative radiograph was defined by the authors as imaging on a patient’s first postoperative visit.
Results: 237 patients were identified. The median number of days patients were reviewed post-operatively was 13 (interquartile range 9–16). 172 (73.1%) patients had early post-operative radiographs, with 100 (58.1%) intra-articular and 72 (41.9%) extra-articular fractures. Of patients who underwent imaging, 7 (4.0%) had their post-operative fracture management altered (7 intra-articular, 0 extra-articular) with 1 (0.58%) requiring immediate surgical revision as indicated by imaging.
Conclusions: Our study questions the value of routine early post-operative radiographs in the management of distal radius fracture fixations, in particular if the fracture is extra-articular. This is of importance in the setting of constrained resources and represents a poor use of limited healthcare facilities, as well as unnecessary radiation exposure.
The purpose of this systematic review is to determine the incidence of complications and the recurrence rate of a volar wrist ganglion following arthroscopic resection.
We performed a systematic review of English and non-English articles using Google Scholar, Medline, and Web of Knowledge. Articles were screened for study inclusion by three independent reviewers using the terms "arthroscopic treatment of volar wrist ganglion" and "arthroscopic resection of volar wrist ganglion". Inclusion criteria: (1) level I–V evidence, (2) documentation of the number of wrists subjected to surgery, (3) documentation of surgical techniques used on wrists, and (4) documentation of surgical or post-surgical complications and recurrence rate of a volar wrist ganglion after arthroscopic resection. A complication was defined as an adverse outcome that was directly related to the operative procedure. Between 2001 and 2012, 13 articles met the inclusion criteria. Two articles were excluded and 11 were reviewed. A total of 232 wrists underwent arthroscopic surgery with 14 recurrences.
The recurrence rate ranged from 0 to 20%, with mean of 6.03%. There were 16 (6.89%) complications. There was no connection with the ganglion in six wrists, three haematomas, three cases of neuropraxia of the dorsal radial nerve, two partial lesions of the median nerve, and two lesions of a branch of the radial artery. Patients did not have a decrease in the arc range of motion. Treatment of volar ganglia of the midcarpal joint was technically difficult and associated with a higher number of complications.
In general, arthroscopic resection results in fewer complications and lower recurrence rates than an open surgical approach, but there is no clear evidence of such an advantage for arthroscopic resection of a volar wrist ganglion. Additional prospective, controlled clinical trials will be essential to address this important issue.
Background: The purpose of this study is to audit the clinical and functional outcomes of arthroscopic ganglionectomy (AG) in our centre.
Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on all 29 patients who underwent AG from 2007 to 2012 with a mean clinic and telephone follow-up duration of 6 months and 32 months respectively.
Results: A total of 29 patients (17 women and 12 men) with a mean age of 38 years underwent AG. 15 patients (52%) had associated pain with the lump, 24 out of 29 patients (83%) had preoperative ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. All patients had preoperative wrist radiographs that showed no chronic carpal instability and bony pathology. 26 out of 29 patients (90%) had dorsal wrist ganglions and 3 patients (10%) had volar wrist ganglions. 15 out of 24 ganglions (62.5%) were multiloculated. Mean ganglion size clinically and through wrist ultrasound was 2.5 cm and 1.8 cm respectively. During arthroscopy, ganglion stalk was identified in 14 patients (48%). Average operating time was 69.5 minutes. Intraoperatively, 24 out of 29 patients (83%) had wrist synovitis and 26 patients (90%) had associated carpal ligament laxity. 97% of cases were successfully resected arthroscopically. Recurrence rate was 10% (3 cases). There was no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative range of motion of wrists - the mean wrist flexion ranged from 63 to 59 degrees pre and postoperatively, and the mean wrist extension ranged from 66 to 64 degrees pre and postoperatively. Overall grip strength improved from 27 kg to 32 kg (p>0.05), and there was also a significant improvement in pain scores pre and post-operatively from visual analogue scale (VAS) score of 0.8 to 0.3 (p=0.018). No major intra or post-operative complications occurred. All patients were satisfied in terms of cosmesis.
Conclusions: AG is a safe and reliable alternative to open resection of wrist ganglions. In addition, it can be used as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for other wrist conditions.
The purpose of this study was to identify a clinical radiographic features containing the measurements of carpal alignment, configuration, and joint space width of the wrist without osteoarthritis (OA) in Japanese. We also aimed to analyse age-related correlations in these parameters with reference to the difference between men and women.
A total of 184 cases were analysed to establish the following relations: (1) Sex-related differences in the morphology and joint space width of the wrist without OA; (2) correlation coefficient between these parameters and age according to sex.
This study suggests that carpal height ratio (CHR) was higher in men than in women. Also the ulnar variance (UV) increased and the radial inclination (RI) decreased with age in both men and women, and the volar tilt (VT) decreased with age in women.
Background: Causality has not been formally demonstrated between carpal tunnel syndrome and osteoarthritis of the wrist or at the base of the thumb. The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between carpal tunnel syndrome and concomitant degenerative osteoarthritis of the wrist or basal thumb joint. We hypothesised that wrist osteoarthritis by reducing the free volume of the carpal tunnel would be associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, while basal thumb osteoarthritis would show no direct correlation with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Methods: A case-control study including 95 cases and 99 control subjects, has been carried out. Sixty-eight per group were matched for age and sex. Posterior-anterior and lateral plain wrist radiographs for the two matched groups were analysed.
Results: Except for scaphotrapeziotrapezoid location, degenerative osteoarthritis of the wrist was significantly linked with carpal tunnel syndrome, whereas there was no significant difference between case and control groups for prevalence of basal osteoarthritis of the thumb.
Conclusions: These results suggest that basal osteoarthritis of the thumb is not a causal factor in carpal tunnel syndrome. In contrast, degenerative osteoarthritis of the wrist was strongly associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, suggesting a causal relation.
Earlier generations of wrist arthroplasty were limited to low demand patients. Bone fixation problems, excessive wear, and adverse designs resulting in loosening, imbalance, and dislocation led to the withdrawal of a number of models. Contemporary wrist prostheses aim at replacing wrist arthrodesis in the majority of patients with radiocarpal destruction, including high demand cases. Contraindications are wrist imbalance, insufficient soft tissue, or bone stock and infection. Various designs, fixation principles, bearing materials, and articulations have been employed. Some of the devises (RE-MOTIONTM, Motec®) demonstrate promising short- to midterm results, and calls for cautious optimism.
Background: Metaphyseal core decompression of the distal radius (MCD) is clinically effective in early lunate necrosis without changing individual wrist mechanics. Its concept is based on the induction of physiologic mechanisms known as physiologic fracture healing response. However, this biological concept does not yet have its place in the historically developed mechanical concepts about Kienböck’s disease and requires more detailed clarifications to understand when a change of individual wrist mechanics might be unnecessary.
Methods: Thirteen consecutive cases, Lichtman stage I (n = 1) or II (n = 12), confirmed by conventional MRI, were treated by MCD. Time off work, changes in magnetic resonance imaging of the lunate, as well as clinical outcome using modified Mayo wrist score were evaluated at final follow-up.
Results: Return to work was at six (1–10) weeks after surgery. MRI controls at short-term generally demonstrated stop of progression and signs of bone healing. Independently from ulna variance complete signal normalization was observed in six and a distinct, yet incomplete decrease of lunate bone marrow edema and zones of fat necrosis was confirmed in further six cases after a mean of 21 (13–51) weeks. One patient had radiographic controls only, stating normal healing at 56 months. After a mean follow-up of 37 (12–70) months the clinical outcomes were excellent in eleven and good in two cases (mean 95% in modified Mayo wrist score).
Conclusions: In stage I and II lunate necrosis MCD stops disease progression, it improves clinical symptoms and induces normalization of lunate bone signal alterations in MRI. Findings suggest that stage I and II lunate necrosis can be effectively treated without alterations of individual wrist mechanics. Future studies are necessary to readjust common concepts regarding Kienböck’s disease, especially focusing on conservative therapy.
Background: Pneumatic tourniquet is an effective tool to achieve hemostatic control of the surgical field in upper extremity (UE) operations. Elevated pressures have been associated with adverse effects despite various methods of pressure determination. We aim to demonstrate the usage of reduced tourniquet pressures and examine factors associated with achieving reduced pressures.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted (2016–2018) at a Level 1 Trauma Center and an Outpatient Surgical Center, totaling 226 operations, involving a reduction of cuff pressures over time from a standard baseline of limb occlusion pressure for UE operations.
Results: A gradual reduction of pressures was successfully achieved with a mean pressure of 187 mmHg and average time of tourniquet application being 25 minutes. We found chronological surgical number and patient BMI to be significantly associated with tourniquet pressure (p < 0.05). 4.5% of cases resulted in breakthrough bleeding, but did not reliably occur with any pressure thresholds, patient demographics, or operative factors (p > 0.05, for all).
Conclusions: Reduced tourniquet pressures can mitigate complications associated with tourniquet use. Our research shows reduced pressures are successful in maintaining field visibility and we encourage an adoption of pressures below 200 mm Hg in most procedures that require a tourniquet.
Dorsal wrist pain with or without a palpable dorsal wrist ganglion is a common complaint. Watson developed the concept of the dorsal wrist syndrome (DWS) which is an entity encompassing pre-dynamic rotary subluxation of the scaphoid and the overloaded wrist. We reviewed 20 cases of DWS treated surgically. There were nine males (11 wrists) and nine females (nine wrists). Post-operative follow-up ranged from five to 67 months (mean, 37 months). At operation, we observed SLL tears in eight wrists and dorsal ganglia in 12 cases. Following surgery, 12 cases reported being pain free, five had mild pain, two moderate pain and one case reported severe pain. Post-operative extension/flexion was 73/70 average. Post-operative grip strength was 28 kg average. We believe that excision of the posterior interosseous nerve and the dorsal capsule including the ganglion, if present, provides pain relief in DWS.
Synovial chondromatosis is a rare lesion in the wrist and it is extremely uncommon in the distal radioulnar joint. This case presented with wrist pain, swelling and locking secondary to synovial chondromatosis of distal radioulnar joint.
To compare the radioscapholunate (RSL) arthrodesis and radiolunate (RL) arthrodesis as a treatment for radiocarpal osteoarthritis following fractures of the distal radius, nine patients, 23 to 70 years old (average 41) at the time of surgery, were assessed two to 33 years after surgery. The periods between injury and surgery ranged from four months to 30 years. RSL arthrodesis was performed in three cases and RL arthrodesis in six. Post-operative wrist pain disappeared in six and was decreased in the other three. In the RSL group, the total arc of wrist flexion and extension was reduced from 50° pre-operatively to 35° post-operatively. In the RL group, it was increased from 72° to 76° after surgery. Grip strength improved in most patients, from 7 to 18 kg in the RSL group, and from 16 to 27 kg in the RL group. On roentogenogram, three patients showed arthritic changes in the adjacent joints, but there were no symptoms in two of the three patients. We concluded that partial radiocarpal arthrodesis (preferably RL arthrodesis) is a reliable procedure for radiocarpal osteoarthritis following fractures of the distal radius.
Pain and disability caused by ganglia of the hand and wrist were assessed using a patient-rated wrist evaluation questionnaire in 75 patients. Dorsal wrist ganglia were the most painful and disabling. However, the majority of ganglia cause little pain or disability. Consequently, referral by General Practitioners should be confined to those with pain, disability or failure of conservative management.
Purpose: The objective of this research was to investigate the reliability of Lichtman's classification for Kienböck's disease.
Methods: Interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility were investigated by interpreting both anteroposterior and lateral X-rays of the wrist joint twice in 99 patients with Kienböck's disease using the modified Lichtman's classification system. Observers comprised three orthopaedic surgeons, and no information was exchanged between observers either before or during the study.
Results: Intraobserver reliability was moderate (0.313–0.628), and interobserver reliability was fair (Siegel's kappa = 0.228).
Conclusion: Low values were obtained regarding interobserver reliability for the modified Lichtman's classification of Kienböck's disease. This classification is thus inadequate for use in clinical settings. A new classification should be established.
Although tremor is one of the most common movement disorders, there are few effective tremor-suppressing options available to patients. Gyrostabilization is a potential option, but we do not currently know how to optimize gyrostabilization for tremor suppression. To address this gap, we present a systematic investigation of how gyrostabilizer parameters affect tremor suppression in a single degree of freedom (DOF). A simple model with a single DOF at the wrist and a gyroscope mounted on the back of the hand was used to focus on the most basic effects. We simulated the frequency response of the system (hand + gyroscope) to a tremorogenic input torque at the wrist. Varying system parameters one at a time, we determined the effect of individual parameters on the system’s frequency response. To minimize the bandwidth without adding significant inertia, the inertia and spin speed of the flywheel should be as high as design constraints allow, whereas the distance from the wrist joint axis to the gyroscope and the precession stiffness and damping should be kept as low as possible. The results demonstrate the potential of gyroscopic tremor suppression and can serve as foundation for further investigations of gyroscopic tremor suppression in the upper limb.
Background: The increasingly fashionable sport of motocross is practiced worldwide by millions of people, but there is very little in the literature regarding its associated injuries and their prevention. We therefore present the first comprehensive, prospective study looking at hand and wrist injuries resulting from motocross injuries in the UK.
Methods: Data was prospectively collected over a 5-year period (from 2010 to 2015) at our regional trauma unit. We exclusively looked at motocross riders. Injuries sustained via motorcycle were excluded from our study.
Results: During the period studied (five years), 615 injuries were collected, including 240 patients with 265 hand and wrist injuries. Most of injuries were sustained in male patients. The patient’s age range was from 4–78 years with most injuries occurring during the spring and summer months. A total of 96 (40%) patients required operative treatment. The most common injury pattern was distal radius fractures (n = 53, 20%), followed by metacarpal fractures (n = 38, 14%) and phalangeal fractures (n = 36, 13.5%).
Conclusions: This study shows the impact and incidence of related hand and wrist injuries. Motocross is a globally fashionable sport. This study shows that the number of annual tournaments and racers have doubled in last 5 years. The number of hand and wrist related injuries and operative requirements have quadruples over the last five years. It is recognized as a high-risk sport despite the use of protective equipment and course adaptions. These injuries can have implications for nearby treating hospitals.
Background: Self-inflicted wrist lacerations have the potential to lead to crippling sequelae and repeated suicidal attempt. To obtain good results, we have treated self-inflicted wrist lacerations using a multidisciplinary team - emergency, hand surgery, psychiatry, and rehabilitation. This study aims to review features of this type of injuries and suggest multidisciplinary team approach as an optimal treatment.
Methods: Our multidisciplinary approach can be summarized as follows: initial evaluation, psychological interview, surgery, and rehabilitation. The medical records including wound features, injured structures and psychological data were reviewed retrospectively. Assessment of functional outcomes, and comparative analysis of various psychological parameters were conducted.
Results: Most patients resulted in excellent or good functional outcomes. Five patients reattempted wrist cutting with suicidal intent during follow-up. Only 21.3% patients had a suicidal intent and it was not associated with injury severity and functional recovery. Alcohol ingestion and presence of associated injuries was significant different between severity groups. Presence of suicidal intent was irrelevant to injury severity and functional recovery, but relevant to alcohol ingestion, presence of associated injuries and presence of psychiatric diagnosis.
Conclusions: In order to minimize catastrophic disability and repeated suicide attempts, a balanced multidisciplinary approach is one of the best methods to obtain excellent functional outcomes and prevent repeated injuries in patients with self-inflicted wrist lacerations.
Anatomical variations of the ulnar nerve have been described at the level of the elbow and in Guyon's canal, while the path in the forearm has always been assumed to be constant. We present a case of compressive ulnar neuropathy at the wrist pre-disposed by a presumed congential variation of the path of the ulnar nerve at the level of the wrist which improved following surgical release of the constriction caused as a result of it.
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