Resonance dispersion mixing technology is a new process developed in recent years. The main function of the technology is each scale vortex caused by the vibration, which is a multiscale phenomenon that includes macroscopic vortices and mesoscopic vortices. For mesoscopic vortices, due to the lack of sufficient resolution, current commercial software filter and average these vortices, so it is difficult to meet the needs of research. Based on this, the paper proposes a lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) to simulate the mesoscopic vortices. The LBM is a mesoscale research method, so it has sufficient resolution to study mesoscopic vortices. The paper mainly simulated the process of splitting and evolution of mesoscopic vortices, studied the effects of parameters such as simulation interval, viscosity, vibration frequency on mesoscopic vortices. The results show that the selection of the simulation interval has a certain influence on the evolution of the vortices. The viscosity of the flow field plays a decisive role in the vortices, for there is no vortex generation when the viscosity exceeds a certain threshold. The excitation frequency controls the development process of the vortices, larger frequency can significantly reduce the micro-mixing characteristic time to increase mixing efficiency. Different from the previous theoretical analysis literature, this paper gives visual numerical simulation results.