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  • articleNo Access

    Nonlinear Dynamics of Temperature-Dependent FG-GRC Laminated Beams Resting on Visco-Pasternak Foundations

    This paper studies the nonlinear dynamic responses of graphene-reinforced composite (GRC) beams in a thermal environment. It is assumed that a laminated beam rests on a Pasternak foundation with viscosity and consists of GRC layers with various volume fractions of graphene reinforcement to construct a functionally graded (FG) pattern along the transverse direction of the beam. An extended Halpin–Tsai model which is calibrated against the results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations is used to evaluate the material properties of GRC layers. The mechanical model of the beam is on the establishment of a third-order shear deformation beam theory and includes the von-Kármán nonlinearity effect. The model also considers the foundation support and the temperature variation. The two-step perturbation technique is first applied to solve the beam motion equations and to derive the nonlinear dynamic load–deflection equation of the beam. Then a Runge–Kutta numerical method is applied and the solutions for this nonlinear equation are obtained. The influence of FG patterns, visco-elastic foundation, ambient temperature and applied load on transient response behaviors of simply supported FG-GRC laminated beams is revealed and examined in detail.

  • chapterNo Access


    Submarine slides have become serious and complex problems in the marine field. This is because, in the form of geo- hazard causing damage to the seabed environment in general and to the seabed facility constructed by humans as a means of sea based activities in the field of business, pipeline of oil and gas industry, and maintenance of the environment itself.

    This paper reports the implementation of laboratory experiment of submarine slide simulation. Results described in this document, leading to develop a method to estimate the velocity, the thickness, and the form of sliding mass based on the material properties such as density and viscosity which is the nature of the material rheology. The used scenario was the percentage variation of composition in the material model created as a mixture of water and kaolin.

    The slurry comprised only two materials those were kaolin at weight percentage of 10 to 35 with 5% increment, and water at the remaining percentage. Simulation results that density and viscosity make control to the movement of submarine slide. Higher density and viscosity mass will forms the shorter run-out distance. These results imply and give suggestion that laboratory model has similarity condition to the field in term of qualitative data.