AUSTRALIA — Childhood CT scans slightly raise cancer risk.
AUSTRALIA — There's a very simple solution to your lack of vitamin D.
INDIA — India develops cheap rotavirus vaccine.
JAPAN — 'Tug of war' method to measure the copy number limits of all genes in budding yeast.
SINGAPORE — SG Austria co-edits just released book on living cell bioencapsulation.
SINGAPORE — Nano Today's 2013 impact factor increases from 15.355 to 17.689.
SINGAPORE — Cholesterol beats coronaviruses, Avian flu and Swine flu.
THE PHILIPPINES — Philippines maps out plan to switch to 100% renewables in 10 years.
EUROPE — Roche launches first sugar-transferase for new glyco-engineering portfolio.
EUROPE — Older liver cancer patients respond to radioembolization equally as well as younger patients.
NORTH AMERICA — Protein helps colon cancer move and invade.
NORTH AMERICA — FDA approval of VIBATIV(R) (telavancin) for the treatment of bacterial pneumonia.
NORTH AMERICA — “On Demand Medical Research” is up and running.
UNITED KINGDOM — Diabetes rises sharply among UK's young adults.
UNITED KINGDOM — 'Mental illness' isn't all about brain chemistry: it's about life.
UNITED KINGDOM — Public to see impact of medical research funding.