Chapter 4: Impact of Real Effective Exchange Rates on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to ASEAN Economies
The following sections are included:
Introduction and Motivation
Importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows as a Source of External Financing: Trends and Patterns
Literature Review
General Empirical Literature
Empirical Literature on ASEAN Economies
Data Description, Statistical Computation and Sources
Empirical Methodology
Baseline Model: Panel Fixed-effects Regression
Augmented Model
Empirical Results
Robustness Checks
Concluding Notes and Policy Implications
Discussant Notes 4.1 - Dr Darius Tirtosuharto Economist, Economic and Monetary Policy Department, Macroeconomic Division, Central Bank of Indonesia
Discussant Notes 4.2 - Professor Sin Chor-Yiu Department of Economics, College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Republic of China (ROC)
Discussant Notes 4.3 - Dr Wang Lee-Rong Research Fellow, International Division, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, Taiwan, Republic of China (ROC)