Guest Editors
Renaud Lambiotte (University of Oxford)
Vincent Traag (Leiden University)
Aims and Scope
The study of networks has attracted much research interest in the last two decades due to their applications in engineering, physics, biology, and social sciences. Networks provide us a language for connectivity with minimal ingredients: nodes, pairwise edges, and their combination to form indirect paths of connectivity. A core question in network science is to understand the interplay between the structure of a network and the dynamics, linear or not, taking place on its nodes. Recent years have witnessed much activity to investigate the limitations of standard network models and to propose ways to extend them. Among those generalisations, significant progress has been done in the modelling and mining of signed graphs. Here, the signs may encode activatory or inhibitory functions in biological systems, trustful and mistrustful connections in social or political networks, and cooperative or antagonistic relationships in the economic world. Building on classical results on balance theory, new models and algorithms have been explored by considering the structure and dynamics of large, sparse signed networks. This topical issue has the goal of offering a snapshot on the recent advances and challenges associated to the study of large signed networks.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
The topical issue is now open for submission. The deadline for submission of papers to the issue is July 31, 2024. Accepted manuscripts will be published ‘online first’ as soon as they are ready.
Please submit your work using our online submission system and select "Topical Issue: Structure and Dynamics of Signed Networks" as the article type. If this is your first time submitting, you will need to create an account from which you can upload your manuscript files and track your submission. Following submission, all manuscripts will be assigned to a handling editor and subject to peer review.
We Support Open Access
As standard, articles will be published under the journal’s subscription model; however, we do offer the option to publish Open Access. More information can be read here: ACS is interested in enabling the special issue as fully Open Access (OA), for the benefit of both contributors and readers, and to be compliant with funding mandates. Just recently, World Scientific has a joint agreement with JISC to allow partnering UK's Higher Education Institutions (HEI) to publish Open Access free-of-charge in the year 2023. The participating UK HEI are listed here: If the topical issue's contributors are from these institutions, they will be eligible for this offer.
The title of the topical issue has been edited from "Structure and Dynamics of Signed Graphs" to "Structure and Dynamics of Signed Networks". (Updated on 05 July 2023.)
Virtual Collection on Signed Networks
This section is designed for early access of accepted articles under the themed issue. It also collects previous publications in ACS that are devoted to the topic.
Complex Contagion in Social Systems with Distrust
Jean-François de Kemmeter, Luca Gallo, Fabrizio Boncoraglio, Vito Latora, and Timoteo Carletti
A Hybrid Membership Latent Distance Model for Unsigned and Signed Integer Weighted Networks
Nikolaos Nakis, Abdulkadir Çelikkanat, and Morten Mørup
Vol. 26, No. 03, 2340002 (2023)
When Intuition Fails: The Complex Effects of Assimilative and Repulsive Influence on Opinion Polarization
Shuo Liu, Michael Mäs, Haoxiang Xia, and Andreas Flache
Vol. 25, No. 08, 2250011 (2022)
Design of Controllable Leader–Follower Networks via Memetic Algorithms
Shaoping Xiao, Baike She, Siddhartha Mehta, and Zhen Kan
Vol. 24, No. 02, 2150004 (2021)
Minimal Edge Controllability of Directed Networks
Linying Xiang and Guanrong Chen
Vol. 22, No. 07n08, 1950017 (2019)
Controlling Network Dynamics
Aming Li and Yang-Yu Liu
Vol. 22, No. 07n08, 1950021 (2019)
Emotional Strategies as Catalysts for Cooperation in Signed Networks
Simone Righi and Károly Takács
Vol. 17, No. 02, 1450011 (2014)
Social Dynamics in a Large-Scale Online Game
Michael Szell and Stefan Thurner
Vol. 15, No. 06, 1250064 (2012)