About WorldScientificOpen
At World Scientific, we are committed to disseminating high quality research to as wide an audience as possible. Leveraging on the open access movement, WorldScientificOpen gives you unprecedented access to top-tier journals, books and proceedings. WorldScientificOpen is in full compliance with the latest open access mandates so authors can ensure their research is freely available online, freely redistributed and reused. Benefits of World Scientific Open Access
World Scientific Journals and UKRI Open Access Policy World Scientific complies fully with the open access requirements of UKRI, Wellcome, and NIHR. Authors can stay compliant with UKRI open access policy by going for Route 2 – the Green open access route. Where required by their funder, journal authors retain the right to deposit their Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM) in an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g. EuropePMC) at the time of final publication (Version of Record), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence or another Creative Commons license as permitted under UKRI’s licensing requirements. Articles must be accompanied by appropriate acknowledgements with citation and linking to the Version of Record on our website. World Scientific Journals and Plan S World Scientific complies fully with the open access requirements of Plan S under the “repository route”, also known as “green open access”. Where required by their funder, journal authors retain the right to deposit their Author’s Accepted Manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g. EuropePMC) at the time of final publication (Version of Record), under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence or another Creative Commons license as permitted under Plan S licensing requirements. Articles must be accompanied by appropriate acknowledgements with citation and linking to the Version of Record on our website. |
WorldScientificOpen Journals
World Scientific currently publishes more than 180 journals offering 'Gold' publishing options in either dedicated Open Access, hybrid or transformative journals. World Scientific's Policy on Gold Open Access Publication With the support of the open access Article-Processing Charge (APC), World Scientific enables authors to have their final version of their papers published on an open access basis, granting on publication, immediate and unrestricted access to the final published version of the paper. This is made available using the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) or (CC BY-NC) licence. It also allows immediate deposit of the final published version in other repositories without restriction on re-use. The Article-Processing Charge (APC) of Open Access varies across journals. Please check with the handling journal editor on the APC charge for each journal. When authors choose WorldScientificOpen, they will sign a "Open Access Licence to Publish" with us. Each WorldScientificOpen article will be clearly identified with "Open Access". List of Transformative Journals List of Full Open Access Journals:
Editorial process for hybrid journals In order to ensure that an author's decision to pay an APC to make their article open access does not influence editors' or reviewers' decisions about an article, authors submitting to any WSPC hybrid journals are not asked to confirm whether they would like to publish their article open access until after it has been accepted. This will reassure the research community and funding agencies that all submitted articles go through the same (rigorous) process of editorial assessment and peer review, ensuring that the high standards the scholarly community has come to expect from World Scientific journals' are maintained. Article Processing Charge (APC) Discounts and Waivers
World Scientific has reached open access agreements with some institutions. We also offer discounted APC for corresponding authors from certain developing countries. Please email the handling journal editor if you wish to take up any of the below options:
World Scientific's Policy on Self Archiving & Sharing Please check out our Author Rights page. Contact Us Please email to openaccess@wspc.com if you have any specific queries. |
WorldScientificOpen Books
Guidelines for Authors - Book proposals & Peer Review Please indicate your intention to publish your book as Open Access in the book proposal form under "Specific Remarks Pertaining to Proposal" and submit the proposal to us at openaccess@wspc.com. Upon submission, all Open Access book manuscripts will be subjected to our standard peer review process to ensure that the titles are of high academic quality and fit within our genre of books. The review comments are anonymously shared with our authors so they have a chance to respond to the feedback received. The reviews are an important part of our decision making process in acquisitions. Upon acceptance, these manuscripts will receive the same high level of production and publishing service standards as per our non-open access titles.
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Preservation The Open Access book will be archived at Portico, an electronic archiving service for preserving electronic content for future preservation and access. Types of books accepted as Open Access Publication We accept monographs and edited volumes. Please let us know if you have other special project types in mind. Fees for publication vary by subject area, length and book type. Please contact us at openaccess@wspc.com for more details. |