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Call for Papers

Special issue on Unveiling the Connections: Biophysical Dynamics in Microplastic Contamination

Microplastics and nanoplastics are globally recognized environmental contaminants due to their persistence, ubiquity, and potential toxicity. Their impacts range from physical harm to marine biota, via ingestion and entanglement, to potential human health risks through the food chain. Current mitigation strategies include reducing plastic production, improving waste management, and developing biodegradable alternatives, yet significant knowledge gaps persist, particularly regarding long-term ecological and health effects. Advances in the biophysics domains include studies on microplastic interactions with biomolecules and biocolloids as well as behavior in various environmental and biological matrices. Research has also explored biofunctional, bioinspired, and biomimetic materials for mitigation.

This special issue delves in the intricate interactions between microplastics, pollutants, the environment, and biological systems, using interdisciplinary approaches from physics, chemistry, and computational biophysics to provide novel insights into their molecular and cellular dynamics. Topics should encompass structural and molecular cell biology, bioinformatics, and stochastic processes governing microplastic distribution and impact. This comprehensive approach aims to elucidate fundamental life science issues and advance related fields such as materials science and soft matter physics, contributing to a deeper understanding and more effective mitigation of the pervasive microplastic pollution.

We welcome original research articles, reviews, and methodological papers that delve into, but are not limited to, the following experimental or theoretical topics:

  • Biophysical dynamics of microplastic transport in aquatic environments involving major microplastic sources and environmental factors
  • Biophysical and ecotoxicological effects of microplastics on aquatic organisms
  • Microplastic-pollutant interactions by pollutant adsorption and molecular mechanisms using computational biophysics and molecular dynamics simulations or modelling
  • Biophysical characterization, surface sciences, adsorption kinetics, and adsorption isotherms involving the behavior and removal of microplastics
  • Microplastic-microbe interaction, biofilm formation, degradation pathways of microplastics, and their impacts on pollutant adsorption
  • Influence of microplastic size, shape, and mechanical properties on environmental risk and toxicogenomics
  • Dynamics, diversity, and human health implications of the microplastic microbiome
  • Roles of circular economy and maritime industries in microplastic pollution
  • Environmental impact assessments of microplastics and biomicroplastics, including toxicological and ecotoxicological studies
  • Innovations and microbial interactions in biomicroplastics, bioplastics, and biomaterials for mitigation
  • Emerging technologies and future directions in microplastic research
Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s online submission system at by selecting the special issue category, “Unveiling the Connections: Biophysical Dynamics in Microplastic Contamination”. Authors must adhere to the journal’s formatting guidelines, which can be found at All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of scientific quality.

Important deadlines for submission:
Initial submission of articles: July 7, 2024
Closing date for initial submission: January 7, 2025
Deadline for final decision notification: August 7, 2025

Hans Coster (Emer. Prof. Dr.)
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
University of Sydney, Australia
Specializing in cellular biophysics and membrane science

Lead Guest Editor:
Amelia Tan Suet May (Dr., P.Tech)
Department of Biomedical Sciences
College of Medicine
Chang Gung University, Taiwan
Specializing in vector, toxicogenomic, and biodegradation of bioplastics and bio microplastics

Guest Editors:
Anming Hu (Assoc. Prof. Dr.)
Department Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee, United States
Specializing in nanotechnology, removal of micro- and nanoplastics

Nik Norfara Idayu Mohd Zain (Asst. Prof. Dr.)
Malaysian Institute of Marine Engineering Technology
Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Specializing in maritime management and maritime industry