SUBMISSION DUE DATE: December 31, 2012
Dr. Qinglong Gou, University of Science and Technology of China, P. R. China
Dr. Liang Liang, University of Science and Technology of China, P. R. China
Dr. Zhimin Huang, Adelphi University, USA
Dr. Susan X. Li, Adelphi University, USA
Supply Chain Management encompasses development of innovative, sustainable, and integrated solutions and strategies in managing overall costs, attaining profit goals and satisfying customers. Improvement of productivity, efficiency, and coordination among members in a supply chain has received significant attention in both academic literature and practical business during the past two decades. Research on supply chain management involves the following tendencies: (i) Coordination among members in a supply chain has been extended from addressing traditional issues of inventory, logistics, transportation and price to addressing issues of leadership, innovation, advertising, new product introduction and development of innovative, strategic, and sustainable approaches to strategic and global supply chain management challenges. (ii) Horizontal alliances among firms in the same level of a supply chain have drawn extensive attention. (iii) Behavioral operations management, which explores the interaction of human behavior and operational systems and processes, has become a new direction in supply chain management research. (iv) Sustainability requires an appropriate balance among environmental performance, social performance, and economic performance, and thus, issues such as reverse logistics, green supply chain, low-carbon technologies and management have gained attention from researchers. (v) Organizations in both the private and public sectors seek to improve efficiency in their supply chain operations and relationships. Research and discussion on efficient supply chains have addressed the issue of how to achieve an efficient supply chain.
Considering the above trends, this Special Issue, "Supply Chain Management, Sustainability and Productivity Efficiency" aims to explore new directions in supply chain management research while simultaneously advocating the maintenance of a sustainable society.
This Special Issue looks for contributions (case studies, models, theoretical frameworks, and empirical studies) in supply chain management, sustainability and productivity efficiency evaluations. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
Drs. Qinglong Gou, Liang Liang, Zhimin Huang, and Susan Li
Guest Editors
International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making