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Does the return to the White House of the controversial Donald Trump signal a reshaping of how the United States sees itself at home and abroad? Is America's liberal democracy in danger? Is America's global interventionism over? The answers to these key questions depend on one's perspective—but they will certainly reverberate around the world.
Backlash connects the dots, with first-hand anecdotes and insights supported by a wide range of scholarly observations, that probe the roots of the American experiment and the sources of its internal tensions, the long shadows of its history, its self-image as an exceptional nation, and the self-imposed burden of being, and acting as, the global hyperpower of the century.
"By and large we receive information about America through the lens of contemporary media and popular culture, which in today's age of instant hot takes on limited, outrage- and sensation-driven social media increasingly lacks both longer term history and proximate context," says author Nirmal Ghosh, “We have little understanding of cause and effect, and are prone to being swept under a deluge of information that does little to further our understanding of fundamentals. I wrote this book to shed some light and perspective, from the point of view of an outsider, on aspects of America that are key to understanding the tensions, paradoxes and peculiarities that are intrinsic to America and make it what it is."
Backlash: Donald Trump and the Remaking of America is an essential read for anyone—activist, academic, general reader or student of contemporary culture and society—who seeks a frank and unvarnished diagnosis of the United States, sans the cliched and constructed images and narratives of the popular media and cutting through today's chaotic information ecosystem.
The book retails for US$29 / £25 (paperback) and US$58 / £55 (hardcover) and is also available in electronic formats. To order or know more about the book, visit Ghosh, writer, podcaster, artist and wildlife conservationist, has had a 30-year career as a foreign correspondent with Singapore's The Straits Times, in Manila, New Delhi, Bangkok, and, from October 2016 to December 2023, in Washington DC. Born and raised in India, of mixed German-Indian parentage, he is a former president of the Foreign Correspondents' Association of the Philippines and the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Thailand. He is a Jefferson Fellow alumnus of the East-West Centre. In the course of his journalism, he has covered conflict, disasters, climate change, elections, and transitions from the Maldives to the Himalayas, from Sarawak in Malaysia to Sendai in Japan, and from Silicon Valley to the "swamp" of Washington DC. This is his sixth book.
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