The aim of this book is to familiarize the reader with fundamental topics in number theory: theory of divisibility, arithmetrical functions, prime numbers, geometry of numbers, additive number theory, probabilistic number theory, theory of Diophantine approximations and algebraic number theory. The author tries to show the connection between number theory and other branches of mathematics with the resultant tools adopted in the book ranging from algebra to probability theory, but without exceeding the undergraduate students who wish to be acquainted with number theory, graduate students intending to specialize in this field and researchers requiring the present state of knowledge.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (102 KB)
Chapter 1: Divisibility, Congruences (1,484 KB)
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- Divisibility, Congruences, Arithmetrical Functions
- Prime Numbers
- Sieve Methods: Geometry of Numbers
- Additive Number Theory
- Probabilistic Number Theory
- Diophantine Approximation
- Algebraic Numbers and p — Adic Numbers
Readership: Mathematicians.
“The book is a treasure trove of interesting material on analytic, algebraic, geometric and probabilistic number theory, both classical and modern. These topics are connected with other parts of mathematics in a scholarly way. It is a welcome addition to the literature on number theory.”
Mathematical Reviews
“Relevant recent results with proofs beyond the scope of the book are quoted and there is a good bibliography. The exposition is clear and should present no undue difficulty to the reader. The translation from the original Polish has been well done.”
Bull. London Math. Soc.