The main goal is to offer to readers a panorama of recent progress in nonlinear physics, complexity and transport with attractive chapters readable by a broad audience. It allows to gain an insight into these active fields of research and notably promotes the interdisciplinary studies from mathematics to experimental physics. To reach this aim, the book collects a selection of contributions to the third edition of the CCT conference (Marseilles, 1–5 June 2015).
- Invited Contributions:
- Radiation Driven Bifurcations in Fusion Plasmas (S Baschetti, D Galassi, E Serre, J Bucalossi, H Bufferand, G Ciraolo, Ph Ghendrih and P Tamain)
- Dynamics and Topology of Micromagnetic Vortices (A D Verga)
- Under the Microscope Cover Slip: Spontaneous Flows and Bacterial Behavior (L Vincent and E Kanso)
- Correlation Decay and Large Deviations for Mixed Systems (R Artuso, C Manchein and M Sala)
- Chaos and Mixing:
- On Nonlinear Fractional Maps: Nonlinear Maps with Power-Law Memory (M Edelman)
- Distributions of Time of Flight and Mixing Efficiency in Three-Dimensional Chaotic Advection (F Raynal and Ph Carrière)
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Reactive Reversed Microemulsions (J Carballido-Landeira)
- Transport and Diffusion Around a Homoclinic Point (P Meunier, P Huck, C Nobili and E Villermaux)
- Non-Hyperbolic Transport in Confined Oscillatory Convection (L Oteski, Y Duguet and L R Pastur)
- Diffusive Chaos in Navigation Satellites Orbits (J Daquin, A J Rosengren and K Tsiganis)
- New Chaos Indicators for Systems with Extremely Small Lyapunov Exponents (K Okubo and K Umeno)
- Macroscopic Systems and Signal Analysis:
- Linear and Nonlinear Responses and Universality of Critical Exponents in Hamiltonian Systems with Long-Range Interaction (S Ogawa and Y Y Yamaguchi)
- Magnetic Impurities and Transport in Topological Insulators (L Raymond, A D Verga and A Demion)
- 1D Cahn-Hilliard Dynamics: Transition Modes and Stability Criteria (M Mcheik and S Villain-Guillot)
- An Optimal Family of Detectors for Passive Radar Systems Using Digital Communication Signals (G Chabriel, J Barrère, F Briolle and G Gassier)
- Fractal Structures in Electroless Metal Deposition Systems (R Sultan, A Safieddine, H Farah and A Z Eddin)
Readership: Students and professionals working on nonlinear physics, complexity and transport.