The development of algebraic geometry over groups, geometric group theory and group-based cryptography, has led to there being a tremendous recent interest in infinite group theory. This volume presents a good collection of papers detailing areas of current interest.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction (74 KB)
Chapter 1: Groups With the Weak Minimal Condition on Non-Permutable Subgroups (228 KB)
- Groups with the Weak Minimal Condition on Non-Permutable Subgroups (Laxmi K Chatuat and Martyn R Dixon)
- A Survey: Shamir Threshold Scheme and Its Enhancements (Chi Sing Chum, Benjamin Fine, and Xiaowen Zhang)
- The Zappa-Szep Product of Left-Orderable Groups (Fabienne Chouraqui)
- Totally Disconnected Groups From Baumslag-Solitar Groups (Murray Elder and George Willis)
- Elementary and Universal Theories of Nonabelian Commutative Transitive and CSA Groups (B Fine, A M Gaglione, and D Spellman)
- Commutative Transitivity and the CSA Property (Benjamin Fine, Anthony Gaglione, Gerhard Rosenberger, and Dennis Spellman)
- The Universal Theory of Free Burnside Groups of Large Prime Exponent (Anthony M Gaglione, Seymour Lipschutz, and Dennis Spellman)
- Primitive Curve Lengths on Pairs of Pants (Jane Gilman)
- Drawing Inferences Under Maximum Entropy From Relational Probabilistic Knowledge Using Group Theory (Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Marco Wilhelm, and Christoph Beierle)
- On Some Infinite-Dimensional Linear Groups and the Structure of Related Modules (L A Kurdachenko and I Ya Subbotin)
- On New Analogs of Some Classical Group Theoretical Results in Lie Rings (L A Kurdachenko, A A Pypka and I Ya Subbotin)
- Log-Space Complexity of the Conjugacy Problem in Wreath Products (Alexei Myasnikov, Svetla Vassileva, and Armin Weiss)
- Group Presentations, Cayley Graphs and Markov Processes (Peter Olszewski)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in group theory.