Yakov G Sinai is one of the most important and influential mathematicians and physicists. He won the Wolf Prize for Mathematics in 1997 and Nemmers Prize in 2002.
This volume contain several papers, some papers related to probability theory and statistical physics, papers on Anderson localization for some classes of Schroedinger equations and the papers on Interval Exchange Transformations, joint with C Ulcigrai and A Bufetov. Of notable mention are the paper on the distribution of the first positive sums in the case of independent random variables which was the author's first publication and the joint paper with V Yakhot which had several applications among hydrodynamical community.
- Bifurcations of Solutions of the 2-Dimensional Navier–Stokes System (with Dong Li)
- Weak Mixing in Interval Exchange Transformations of Periodic Type (with C Ulcigrai)
- A Condition for Continuous Spectrum on Interval Exchange Transformation (with A Bufetov and C Ulcigrai)
- Dynamics of Massive Piston in an Ideal Gas (with N Chernov and J Lebowitz)
- Generalized Variational Principles, Global Weak Solutions and Behavior with Random Initial Data for Systems of Conservation Laws Arising in The Adhesion Particle Dynamics (with W E and Yu Rykov)
- Probabilistic Approach to Statistics of Convex Polygons
- Spacetime Chaos of Coupled Map Lattices (with L Bunimovich)
- Anderson Localization for One-Dimensional Difference Schrödinger Operator with Quasi-Periodic Potential
- A New Proof of Herman Theorem (with K Khanin)
- Entropy of a Gas of Hard Spheres with Respect to the Group of Space-Time Shifts (with N Chernov)
- Ground States in the Two-Dimensional Boson Quantum Field-Theory (with S S Pirogov)
- Certain Smooth Ergodic Systems (with D V Anosov)
- The Phenomenon of Separation of Phases at Low Temperatures, I (with R A Minlos)
- Distribution of the First Positive Sum for Independent Random Variables
- New Erdös-Kac Type Theorems for Signed Measures on Square-Free Integers (with M Avdeeva and Dong Li)
- The Mobius Function and Statistical Mechanics (with F Cellarosi)
- Investigation of Th Stability of a Stationary Solution of a System of Equations for the Plane Movement of an Imcompressible Viscous Liquid (with L D Meshalkin)
- Limiting Probability Distributions of a Passive Scalar in a Random Velocity Field (with V Yakhot)
- Computer Simulation for the Blow-Up of Complex Solutions of the 3-D Navier-Stokes Equations (with C Boldrighini, S Frigio and P Maponi)
- Separating Solution of a Quadratic Recurrent Equation (with I Vinogradov)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in mathematics and physics.