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The Future of High Energy Physics — Some Aspects cover
Also available at Amazon and Kobo

The monumental discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC marked the beginning of a new era in the high energy physics. Although the particle spectrum of the Standard Model is now complete with the Higgs boson, the hierarchy problem and the lack of explanation of the origin of dark matter imply that a new Beyond the Standard Model physics should exist. There is however no clear indication (experimental or otherwise) of the energy scale at which this new physics should appear. Current results from the LHC experiments have shown no unpredicted effects up to pp collision energies of 13 TeV. If not observed directly at the LHC, the new physics may reveal itself through deviations of Higgs properties from their Standard Model expectations, or it may become directly accessible only at new, higher-energy accelerator facilities. It is then of primary importance to have a comprehensive review of the available and planned accelerators and their design, physics motivation and expected performance.

This book comprises 26 carefully edited articles with well-referenced and up-to-date material written by many of the leading experts. These articles — originated from presentations and dialogues at the second HKUST Institute for Advanced Study Program on High Energy Physics — are organized into three aspects, Theory, Accelerator, and Experiment, focusing on in-depth analyses and technical aspects that are essential for the developments and expectations for the future high energy physics.

Sample Chapter(s)
Future Colliders Symposium in Hong Kong: Scientific Overview (457 KB)

  • Preface
  • Theory:
    • Future Colliders Symposium in Hong Kong: Scientific Overview (C Quigg)
    • Prospects for Future Collider Physics (J Ellis)
    • Physics at a Higgs Factory (M Reece)
    • Testing Higgs Coupling Precision and New Physics Scales at Lepton Colliders (S-F Ge, J He and R-Q Xiao)
    • Probing the Higgs with Angular Observables at Future e+e- Colliders (Z Liu)
    • Probing the Nonunitarity of the Leptonic Mixing Matrix at the CEPC (S Antusch and O Fischer)
    • Higgs Production Through Sterile Neutrinos (S Antusch, E Cazzato and O Fischer)
    • Triple Gauge Couplings at Future Hadron and Lepton Colliders (L Bian, J Shu and Y Zhang)
    • The LHC Searches for Heavy Neutral Higgs Bosons by Jet Substructure Analysis (N Chen)
    • Probe Higgs Potential via Multi-Higgs Boson Final States at Hadron Colliders (Q-S Yan)
    • Testable SUSY Spectra from GUTs at a 100 TeV pp Collider (S Antusch and C Sluka)
  • Accelerator:
    • A Conceptual Design of Circular Higgs Factory (Y Cai)
    • Pretzel Scheme for CEPC (H Geng)
    • Beam–Beam and Electron Cloud Effects in CEPC/FCC-ee (K Ohmi)
    • Beam–Beam Effects of Single Ring and Partial Double Ring Scheme in CEPC (Y Zhang)
    • CEPC Partial Double Ring Scheme and Crab-Waist Parameters (D Wang, J Gao, F Su, Y Zhang, J Zhai, Y Wang, S Bai, H Geng, T Bian, X Cui, N Wang, Z Duan, Y Guo and Q Qin)
    • CEPC Partial Double Ring Lattice Design and SPPC Lattice Design (F Su, J Gao, D Wang, Y Wang, J Tang, T Bian, S Bai, H Geng, Y Zhang, Y Guo, Y Peng, Y Zou, Y Chen and M Xiao)
    • R&D Steps of a 12-T Common Coil Dipole Magnet for SPPC Pre-Study (C Wang, K Zhang and Q Xu)
    • Multi-Objective Dynamic Aperture Optimization for Storage Rings (Y Li and L Yang)
  • Experiment:
    • Detectors and Experiments (J Hauptman)
    • Conceptual Design Studies for a CEPC Detector (S V Chekanov and M Demarteau)
    • Fast Timing for Collider Detectors (C G Tully)
    • The Importance of High-Precision Hadronic Calorimetry to Physics (J Hauptman)
    • Fiber and Crystals Dual Readout Calorimeters (M Cascella, S Franchino and S Lee)
    • A Merged Quadrupole-Calorimeter for CEPC (R Talman and J Hauptman)
    • Preliminary Conceptual Design About the CEPC Calorimeters (H Yang)

Readership: Researchers, academics and graduate students in the field of high energy physics.