In the part on Fourier analysis, we discuss pointwise convergence results, summability methods and, of course, convergence in the quadratic mean of Fourier series. More advanced topics include a first discussion of Hardy spaces. We also spend some time handling general orthogonal series expansions, in particular, related to orthogonal polynomials. Then we switch to the Fourier integral, i.e. the Fourier transform in Schwartz space, as well as in some Lebesgue spaces or of measures.
Our treatment of ordinary differential equations starts with a discussion of some classical methods to obtain explicit integrals, followed by the existence theorems of Picard–Lindelöf and Peano which are proved by fixed point arguments. Linear systems are treated in great detail and we start a first discussion on boundary value problems. In particular, we look at Sturm–Liouville problems and orthogonal expansions. We also handle the hypergeometric differential equations (using complex methods) and their relations to special functions in mathematical physics. Some qualitative aspects are treated too, e.g. stability results (Ljapunov functions), phase diagrams, or flows.
Our introduction to the calculus of variations includes a discussion of the Euler–Lagrange equations, the Legendre theory of necessary and sufficient conditions, and aspects of the Hamilton–Jacobi theory. Related first order partial differential equations are treated in more detail.
The text serves as a companion to lecture courses, and it is also suitable for self-study. The text is complemented by ca. 260 problems with detailed solutions.
Sample Chapter(s)
1. The Historical Place of Fourier Analysis in Mathematics
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- Fourier Analysis:
- The Historical Place of Fourier Analysis in Mathematics
- Trigonometric Series and Fourier Series
- Fourier Series and Their Coefficients
- Pointwise Convergence and Summability
- Fourier Series of Square Integrable Functions
- Further Topics on the Convergence of Fourier Series
- Holomorphic Functions, Harmonic Functions, Hardy Spaces
- Selected Topics on Fourier Series
- Orthonormal Expansions and Special Functions
- The Schwartz Space
- The Fourier Transform in S(ℝn)
- The Fourier Transform in Lp-Spaces
- The Fourier Transform of Bounded Measures
- Selected Topics on the Fourier Transform
- Ordinary Differential Equations:
- Some Orientation — First Results
- Basic Existence and Uniqueness Results I
- Basic Existence and Uniqueness Results II
- Linear Systems of First Order. Constant Coefficients
- Linear Systems of First Order. Variable Coefficients
- Second Order Linear Differential Equations with Real Analytic Coefficients
- Boundary Value and Eigenvalue Problems. First Observations
- The Hypergeometric and the Confluent Hypergeometric Differential Equation
- Continuous Dependence on Data and Stability
- Tangent Spaces, Tangent Bundles, and Vector Fields
- Phase Diagrams and Flows
- Introduction to the Calculus of Variations:
- The Calculus of Variations — Setting the Scene
- Classical Solutions of the Euler–Lagrange Equations
- More on Local Minimisers
- Partial Differential Equations of 1st Order
- Aspects of Hamilton-Jacobi Theory
- Appendices:
- Harmonic Analysis on Locally Compact Abelian Groups
- Convergence of Measures
- Generating Functions, Orthonormal Polynomials
- On Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem
Readership: Undergraduate students in mathematics, studying fourier analysis, ODEs, calculus of variations.
"Like its predecessors in this series, the book is an excellent reference for anyone interested in these topics. The authors did not lower the standards with respect to both clarity of the presentation and depth of the material. The reader can sense everywhere in the book the rich experience of the authors in teaching Mathematics, in particular Analysis in the broader sense, and the best proof for this are the fine balance they found between the hard theoretical results and applications, on one hand, and the appropriate examples that illustrate the theoretical results."
Reviews from other volumes in the Course in Analysis:
"This is a very good book for anyone interested in learning analysis. I highly recommend this book to anyone teaching or studying analysis at an undergraduate level."
Zentralblatt MATH
"What I find interesting and appealing about Jacob and Evan’s book is the philosophy or spirit of mathematical curriculum that the authors promote." (See Full Review)
MAA Reviews
"The writing style is generally quite clear, and students should have little difficulty reading this book. The full seven-volume collection will no doubt be an indispensable reference for analysts and non-analysts alike, and this volume is an excellent start."
Mathematical Gazette
"The authors give many examples, illustrations and exercises to help students digest the theory and they employ use of clear and neat notation throughout. I really appreciate their selection of exercises, since many of the problems develop simple techniques to be used later in the book or make connections of analysis with other parts of mathematics. There are also solutions to all of the exercises in the back of the book. As in the first volume there are some real gems in volume II. A Course in Analysis seems to be full of these little gems where the authors use the material or ask the readers to use the material to obtain results or examples that the reader will certainly see again in another context later in their studies of mathematics. Generally, the quality of exposition in both of the first two volumes is very high. I recommend these books." (See Full Review)
MAA Reviews
"It is a great book for a first year (US) graduate student. One of the nice features of the book is that the book contains full solutions for all of the problems which make it useful as reference for self-study or qualifying exam prep." (See Full Review)
MAA Reviews