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This reprint volume focuses on recent developments in knot theory arising from mathematical physics, especially solvable lattice models, Yang-Baxter equation, quantum group and two dimensional conformal field theory. This volume is helpful to topologists and mathematical physicists because existing articles are scattered in journals of many different domains including Mathematics and Physics. This volume will give an excellent perspective on these new developments in Topology inspired by mathematical physics.
Sample Chapter(s)
A Polynomial Invariant for Knots Via Von Neumann Algebras1 (395 KB)
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A theorem of J. Alexander [1] asserts that any tame oriented link in 3-space may be represented by a pair (b, n), where b is an element of the n-string braid group Bn. The link L is obtained by closing b, i.e., tying the top end of each string to the same position on the bottom of the braid as shown in Figure 1. The closed braid will be denoted 6^…
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By studying representations of the braid group satisfying a certain quadratic relation we obtain a polynomial invariant in two variables for oriented links. It is expressed using a trace, discovered by Ocneanu, on the Hecke algebras of type A. A certain specialization of the polynomial, whose discovery predated and inspired the two-variable one, is seen to come in two inequivalent ways, from a Hecke algebra quotient and a linear functional on it which has already been used in statistical mechanics. The two-variable polynomial was first discovered by Freyd-Yetter, Lickorish-Millet, Ocneanu, Hoste, and Przytycki-Traczyk.
A new invariant polynomial for knots and links is constructed from a solvable vertex model describing a critical statistical system. Various implications and the possible generalizations are discussed in connection with the recent development in the study of critical phenomena in two dimensions.
Presented is a general method to construct representations of the braid group, a basic object in the knot theory, from the Boltzmann weights of the exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics at criticality. The method is applied to a class of N-state vertex models (N=2, 3 and 4) to have explicit braid group representations. Furthermore, the Markov traces are introduced and a sequence of new link polynomials, topological invariants for knots and links, is constructed.
Using a generalized Alexander-Conway relation derived from a three-state exactly solvable model in statistical mechanics, new invariant polynomials for knots and links are explicitly evaluated. It is shown that the invariant polynomials for closed 3-braids are obtained recursively. It is also shown that the invariant polynomials are more powerful than the Jones polynomials.
New link polynomials, reported in I and II of the series, are extended into those with two variables. A concept of composite string is introduced. It is shown that the composite string representation and the generalized Ocneanu's trace lead to a sequence of two-variable link polynomials. In addition, algebraic aspects of the composite string representation are studied in some detail.
We present a general method to construct link polynomials, invariants for knots and links, from the exactly solvable IRF (Interaction Round a Face) models in statistical mechanics which satisfy the Yang-Baxter relation.
Yang-Baxter operator is shown to be a fundamental object which relates theory of solvable models to theory of knots and links. First, general properties of Yang-Baxter operators are investigated. Second, a method to construct composite Yang-Baxter operators is explicitly shown. Lastly, from Yang-Baxter operators with crossing symmetry, braid-monoid algebras are derived. It is emphasized that the factorized S-matrices and their graphical illustrations link two approaches, algebraic and combinatorial, in the knot theory.
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We present a general method to construct the sequence of new link polynomials and its two variable extension from exactly solvable models in statistical mechanics. First, we find representations of the braid group from the Boltzmann weights of the exactly solvable models. Second, we give the Markov traces associated with new braid group representations and using them construct new link polynomials. Third, we extend the theory into a two-variable version of the new link polynomials. Throughout the paper, we emphasize the essential roles played by the exactly solvable models and the underlying Yang-Baxter relation.
It is shown that, to each finite dimensional representation of a quantized universal enveloping algebra, one can associate a vertex model as defined by Vaughan Jones in his constructions of isotopy link invariants.
This paper studies a relationship between the formalism of knot theory and certain models in statistical mechanics. It is shown how the partition function for the Potts model may be computed from an associated link diagram, and how this provides a common algorithmic model with the Jones polynomial. Certain features of both Jones polynomial and the Potts model can be treated in common, such as the appearance of the Temperley–Lieb algebra for braid diagrams and the geometry of the ice–model for piecewise linear diagrams.
We use three different kinds of statistical mechanical models to construct link invariants. The vertex models emerge as the most general. Our treatment of them is essentially the same as Turaev's. Using the work of Goldschmidt we are able to define models whose invariants are homology invariants for branched covers. Thus the statistical mechanical framework embraces both the “classical” and the “new” link invariants.
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A class function on the braid group is derived from the Kauffman link invariant. This function is used to construct representations of the braid groups depending on 2 parameters. The decomposition of the corresponding algebras into irreducible components is given and it is shown how they are related to Jones' algebras and to Brauer's centralizer algebras.
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Let JK(t) = artr + ⋯ + asts, r > s, be the Jones polynomial of a knot K in S3. For an alternating knot, it is proved that r − s is bounded by the number of double points in any alternating projection of K. This upper bound is attained by many alternating knots, including 2-bridge knots, and therefore, for these knots, r − s gives the minimum number of double points among all alternating projections of K. If K is a special alternating knot, it is also proved that as = 1 and s is equal to the genus of K. Similar results hold for links.
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The 2-variable polynomial PK of a satellite K is shown not to satisfy any formula, relating it to the polynomial of its companion and of the pattern, which is at all similar to the formulae for Alexander polynomials. Examples are given of various pairs of knots which can be distinguished by calculating P for 2-strand cables about them even though the knots themselves share the same P. Properties of a given knot such as braid index and amphicheirality, which may not be apparent from the knot's polynomial P, are shown in certain cases to be detectable from the polynomial of a 2-cable about the knot.
In [1] V. F. R. Jones introduces a polynomial invariant VL(t) for an oriented link L and there he states that d/dtVK(1)=0 for any knot K. In this note we generalize this to links. Moreover we give a formula which expresses d2/dt2VL(1) in terms of the z2-terms of the Conway polynomials [2, § 5] and linking numbers of the components of L…
In [8] V. F. R. Jones introduced a Laurent polynomial invariant VL(t) for an oriented link L in S3, and there he gave formulae which relate VL(t) and the Alexander polynomial for three- or four-braid knots. The Jones polynomial VL(t) has been generalized to the two-variable polynomial PL(a, z) by several authors [4,6,12,14]. In this paper we give a formula for PL(a, z) which states that for a link with n Seifert circles PL(a0, z), PL(a1, z), …, and PL(an, z) are “linearly dependent”, where a0, a1, …, and an are mutually independent variables. This formula can be specialized to the formulae in [8]…
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We prove that the (n,k)-cables around a mutant pair of knots C1 and C2 cannot be distinguished by the Jones polynomial V, for any (n,k). we prove further that the same result holds for any other satellite around C1 and C2.
A link Lβ(2k, n – 2k) is defined by a type (2k, n – 2k) pairing of an n-braid β if the first 2k strands are joined up as in a plat and the remaining n – 2k as in a closed braid. The main result is a formula for the Jones polynomials of Lβ(2k, n – 2k), valid for all k, 0 ≤ 2k ≤ n, which generalizes and relates earlier results of Jones for the cases n = 0 and 2k.
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We give corrections or comments to the five points in our paper [1].
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Within the restricted context of conformal QFTh2 we present a systematic analysis of the exchange algebras of light-cone fields which result from the previously studied global decomposition theory of Einstein-causal fields. Although certain aspects of the representation theory of exchange algebras with their Artin braid structure-constants appear in our illustrative examples (minimal and WZW models), our main interests are algebraic aspects. We view the present work as a new non-lagrangian (non-hamiltonian) approach to non-perturbative QFTh.
It is shown that 2 + 1 dimensional quantum Yang-Mills theory, with an action consisting purely of the Chern-Simons term, is exactly soluble and gives a natural framework for understanding the Jones polynomial of knot theory in three dimensional terms. In this version, the Jones polynomial can be generalized from S3 to arbitrary three manifolds, giving invariants of three manifolds that are computable from a surgery presentation. These results shed a surprising new light on conformal field theory in 1 + 1 dimensions.
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Sample Chapter(s)
A Polynomial Invariant for Knots Via Von Neumann Algebras1 (395 KB)