Many high-energy collider experiments (including the current Large Hadron Collider at CERN) involve the collision of hadrons. Hadrons are composite particles consisting of partons (quarks and gluons), and this means that in any hadron–hadron collision there will typically be multiple collisions of the constituents — i.e. multiple parton interactions (MPI). Understanding the nature of the MPI is important in terms of searching for new physics in the products of the scatters, and also in its own right to gain a greater understanding of hadron structure. This book aims at providing a pedagogical introduction and a comprehensive review of different research lines linked by an involvement of MPI phenomena. It is written by pioneers as well as young leading scientists, and reviews both experimental findings and theoretical developments, discussing also the remaining open issues.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Introduction (P Bartalini and J R Gaunt)
- Hard MPI: The Double Parton Scattering (DPS):
- Double Parton Scattering Theory Overview (Markus Diehl and Jonathan R Gaunt)
- Inclusive and Exclusive Cross-Sections, Sum Rules (D Treleani and G Calucci)
- Parton Correlations in Double Parton Scattering (T Kasemets and S Scopetta)
- Multiparton pp and pA Collisions: From Geometry to Parton–Parton Correlations (Boris Blok and Mark Strikman)
- Phenomenology of Final States with Jets (Paolo Gunnellini)
- Phenomenology of Final States with Massive Vector Bosons (Orel Gueta)
- Study of Double Parton Scattering Processes with Heavy Quarks (Ivan Belyaev and Daria Savrina)
- Double, Triple, and n-Parton Scatterings in High-Energy Proton and Nuclear Collisions (David d'Enterria and Alexander Snigirev)
- Soft MPI: Phenomenology and Description in MC Generators:
- The Development of MPI Modelling in Pythia (Torbjörn Sjöstrand)
- Measurement of the Observables Sensitive to Underlying Event (Sunil Bansal, Rick Field and Deepak Kar)
- Phenomenology of Soft QCD: The Role of Minimum-Bias Measurements (Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus)
- Tuning of MC Generator MPI Models (Andy Buckley and Holger Schulz)
- Multiparton Interactions, Small-x Processes and Diffraction (F Hautmann and H Jung)
- High Multiplicity Collisions (Michele Floris and Wei Li)
- Experimental Results on Event Shapes at Hadron Colliders (Antonio Ortiz)
- Dipoles in Impact Parameter Space and Rapidity (Gösta Gustafson and Leif Lönnblad)
- High Multiplicity Events in pp Collisions from the Color Glass Condensate and Lund String Fragmentation (Prithwish Tribedy)
- Multiple Scattering in EPOS (K Werner, B Guiot, Iu Karpenko, A G Knospe, C Markert, T Pierog, G Sophys and M Stefaniak)
- References
Readership: This is a valuable reference for both graduate students and experienced researchers in particle physics.