With the motto of "doing it right the first time", this book focuses on spearheading the integration of designers, constructors and Facility Management, by providing easy-to-read tables summarising knowledge learned from past mistakes and maintainability benchmarks. Based on the predictive/preventive approach, the tables serve to define acceptable standards in design, construction and operation practices, to ensure the standard and quality of design, construction and maintenance practices for high maintainability at the outset of the planning/design stage. The text covers technical issues related to major components of a facility for basements, wet areas, façades, common areas, roofs and M&E.
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Introduction (444 KB)
Chapter 1: Basements (3,618 KB)
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- Basements
- Wet Areas
- Façades
- Roofs
- Common Areas
- Mechanical and Electrical Systems Introduction
Readership: Practitioners and students in architecture and building management.

Michael Chew Yit Lin is a full professor in the Building Department at the National University of Singapore in the School of Design and Environment. He has been the principal investigator of many research projects and has been successful in attracting external research funding, with total project value exceeding 3m. He has authored more than 200 publications and is the author of 5 books which have been recommended as texts in many overseas and local institutions. His R&D on joint sealant testing and product development, and his work on maintainability of buildings, has resulted in two patents awarded in US and two in Singapore. He has seen his products licensed and commercialised, with his R&D brought from the laboratory to on-site applications including airports, buildings and civil structures both local and overseas. He is the founder of an NUS spin-off company — Building System and Diagnostics Pte Ltd, incorporated in April 2003.

Sheila Conejos is a Research Fellow in the Building Department at the National University of Singapore. She earned her PhD in Architecture and Sustainable Development in Australia and has studied in the Philippines, Thailand and Japan under various international postgraduate scholarships. She is a practicing Architect and Urban Planner and managed her own consultancy firm prior to joining the academe in Australia and Hong Kong. She has extensive research and industry experience and has published in a number of international refereed journals on building and urban sustainability.

Ashan Senel Asmone is a doctoral candidate attached to the School of Design and Environment at the National University of Singapore who has majored in facilities management and who holds a Master's in environmental management. He has years of experience in building-related research in sustainability and maintainability and has several publications to his name. Ashan's experience prior to joining the NUS maintainability research group as a research scholar includes work experience in the facilities management industry, and as a lecturer in academia.