This volume contains contributions to the workshop, which was largely focused on the strong coupling gauge theories in search for theories beyond the standard model, particularly, the LHC experiments and lattice studies of conformal fixed point. The main topics include walking technicolor and the role of conformality in view of the 125 GeV Higgs as a light composite Higgs (technidilaton, and other composite Higgs, etc.). Nonperturbative studies like lattice simulations and stringy/holographic approaches are extensively discussed in close relation to the phenomenological studies.
After the discovery of 125 GeV Higgs at LHC, the central issue of particle physics is now to reveal the dynamical origin of the Higgs itself. One of the possibilities would be the composite Higgs based on the strong coupling gauge theory in the TeV region, such as the technidilaton predicted in walking technicolor with infrared conformality. The volume contains, among others, many of the latest important reports on walking technicolor and related subjects in the general context of conformality, in a way of direct relevance to the LHC phenomenology as well as the lattice studies. It is very timely to study full theoretical implications in the exciting era when the LHC is vigorously working. This volume is of great importance for that purpose.
Speakers of 40 talks (plus posters) include K-I Aoki, Y Aoki, K Bamba, E Bennett, R S Chivukula, H Georgi, A Hasenfratz, D-K Hong, K Itoh, D Elander, G Fleming, H Fukano, Y Iwasaki, M Jarvinen, D Kadoh, S Kim, R Kitano, K-I Kondo, J Kuti, D Lin, N Maru, H Matsufuru, S Matsuzaki, K-I Nagai, C Nonaka, H Ohki, E Pallante, M Rho, E Rinaldi, F Sannino, D Schaich, A Shibata, R E Shrock, E H Simmons, K Tuominen, C H Wong, N Yamada, M J S Yang, and K Yamawaki.
Sample Chapter(s)
IR Fixed Points in SU(3) Gauge Theories (79 KB)
- IR Fixed Points in SU(3) Gauge Theories (Y Iwasak)
- Status of a Minimal Composite Higgs Theory (Z Fodor, K Holland, J Kuti, S Mondal, D Nogradi and C H Wong)
- Spectral Properties of Nƒ = 8 SU(3) Gauge Theory (Y Aoki, T Aoyama, E Bennett, M Kurachi, T Maskawa, K Miura, K-i Nagai, H Ohki, E Rinaldi, A Shibata, K Yamawaki and T Yamazak)
- Investigation of the Scalar Spectrum in SU(3) with Eight Degenerate Flavor (E Rinaldi)
- Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories: What Can Lattice Calculations Teach Us? (A Hasenfratz, R C Brower, C Rebbi, E Weinberg and O Witzel)
- One-Family Walking Technicolor in Light of LHC Run-II (S Matsuzaki)
- Topological Insights in Many-Flavor QCD on the Lattice (Y Aoki, T Aoyama, E Bennett, M Kurachi, T Maskawa, K Miura, K-i Nagai, H Ohki, E Rinaldi, A Shibata, K Yamawaki and T Yamazak)
- Recent Results from SU(2) with One Adjoint Dirac Fermion (A Athenodorou, E Bennett, G Bergner and B Lucini)
- Lattice Study of the Higgs-Yukawa Model with a Dimension-6 Operator (C-J D Lin)
- SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory with Many Flavors of Domain-Wall Fermions (H Matsufuru)
- Recent Results on Renormalization-Group Evolution of Theories with Gauge, Fermion, and Scalar Fields (R Shrock)
- Rethinking Naturalness: Can the Higgs be Elementary? (F Sannino)
- Dynamical Origin of the Electroweak Scale and a 125 GeV Boson (K Tuominen)
- Top-Mode Pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone Boson Higgs Model (H S Fukano)
- Composite Dark Matter (G T Fleming)
- Lattice Study of the Scalar and Baryon Spectra in Many-Flavor QCD (Y Aoki, T Aoyama, E Bennett, M Kurachi, T Maskawa, K Miura, K-i. Nagai, H Ohki, E Rinaldi, A Shibata, K Yamawaki and T Yamazak)
- Weak Renormalization Group Approach for Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking (K-I Aoki)
- Gauge Symmetry and the Functional Renormalization Group (K Itoh)
- The Proton Mass and Scale-Invariant Hidden Local Symmetry for Compressed Baryonic Matter (M Rho)
- Holographic Estimate of Isospin Splitting in Hadron Mass (D-K Hong)
- Scalar Mesons in Lattice QCD (C Nonaka, T Kunihiro, S Muroya, A Nakamura, M Sekiguchi, H Wada and M Wakayama)
- Magnetic Monopole Versus Vortex as Gauge-Invariant Topological Objects for Quark Confinement (K-I Kondo, T Sasago, T Shinohara, A Shibata and S Kato)
- Confinement/Deconfinement Phase Transition in SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory in View of Dual Superconductivity (A Shibata, K-I Kondo, S Kato and T Shinohara)
- Linking U(2) x U(2) to O(4) via Decoupling (N Yamada)
- Walking Dynamics from Gauge-Gravity Duality (D Elander)
- Holography and the Conformal Window in the Veneziano Limit (M Järvinen)
- Gauge/Gravity Duality — From Lattice Gauge Theory to Black Hole (D Kadoh)
- Maximally Supersymmetric Yang–Mills on the Lattice (D Schaich and S Catteral)
- Higgs Mass in D-Term Triggered Dynamical SUSY Breaking (N Maru)
- Large-Scale Magnetic Fields, Non-Gaussianity, and Gravitational Waves from Inflation (K Bamba)
- The Jet Energy Profile: A BSM Analysis Tool (R S Chivukula, E H Simmons and N Vignaroli)
- Separating Dijet Resonances Using the Color Discriminant Variable (E H Simmons, R S Chivukula, P Ittisamai and N Vignarol)
- Hidden Local Symmetry as Magnetic Gauge Theory (R Kitano)
- A Symmetry Breaking Mechanism by Parity Assignment in the Noncommutative Higgs Model (M J S Yang)
- Topology, the Meson Spectrum and the Scalar Glueball: Three Probes of Conformality and the Way It Is Lost (E Pallante)
- Strong Coupling Limit of Lattice QCD with Many Staggered Quarks (S Y Kim)
- Old Wine in a New Bottle: Technidilaton as the 125 GeV Higgs (K Yamawaki)
- Summary Talk — SCGT15 (H Georgi)
- Deviation of Yukawa Coupling and Higgs Decay in Gauge-Higgs Unificatio (Y Adachi and N Maru)
- Emergent Geometries from Strong Coupling Gauge Theories (Y Asano, G Ishiki and S Shimasaki)
- Descriptions of Inflation in Scalar Field Theories, Perfect Fluid, and F(R) Gravity (K Bamba)
- Hydrodynamics in 1 + 1 Dimensions from Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory in AdS3 (H-C Chang, M Fujita and M Kaminski)
- The Born-Infeld Gravity in the Palatini Formalism and the Condition of the Black Hole Formation (M Komada and S Nojiri)
- Lattice Study of SU(3) Gauge Theory with Four Fundamental Fermions (Y Aoki, T Aoyama, E Bennett, M Kurachi, T Maskawa, K Miura, K-i Nagai, H Ohki, E Rinaldi, A Shibata, K Yamawaki and T Yamazak)
- GUT Scale Threshold Effect on Proton Decay (T Kuwahara)
- Thermodynamics in 8-Flavor QCD (Y Aoki, T Aoyama, E Bennett, M Kurachi, T Maskawa, K Miura, K-i Nagai, H Ohki, E Rinaldi, A Shibata, K Yamawaki and T Yamazaki)
- Tree Level Unitarity and Finiteness of Electroweak Oblique Corrections (R Nagai)
- 3d Seiberg Duality with an Adjoint Matter from 4d Duality (K Nii)
- Pion Condensation in Asymmetric Nuclear Matter Using a Holographic QCD Model (H Nishihara and M Harada)
- Unification of SUSY Breaking and GUT Breaking (Y Omura)
- Finite-Temperature Study of Eight-Flavor SU(3) Gauge Theory (D Schaich, A Hasenfratz and E Rinaldi)
- Schwinger-Dyson Study for Walking/Conformal Dynamics with IR Cutoffs (K Miura, K-i Nagai and A Shibata)
- Sizable D-Term Contributions as a Signature of E6xSU(2)FxU(1)A SUSY GUT Model (Y Shigekami)
- New Approach to the Dirac Spectral Density in Lattice Gauge Theory Applications (Z Fodor, K Holland, J Kuti, S Mondal, D Nogradi and C H Wong)
Readership: Graduate students, researchers and professionals in the fields of particle theory, particle experiment and astrophysics/cosmology.