This book is dedicated to Lev Okun, who passed away in November 2015. He was a true pioneer in probing fundamental dynamics.
The book has two objectives. First is to showcase Okun's impact for decades since 1963, when he published his remarkable book Weak Interaction of Elementary Particles. Second is to present the current progress of our scientific community in the studies of our Universe. New directions and possible future developments are discussed, often using the past as a guide. The authors mostly focus on CP asymmetries in the transitions of hadrons and leptons, but they also discuss their rare decays, and talk about axions and supersymmetry, and possible connections with dark matter, extra dimensions, baryogenesis and multiverse.
This book is suitable for readers who know quantum mechanics and quantum field theories in general.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Prologue
- Foreword
- Prologue
- Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theories
- Connecting the Worlds of Hadrons, Quarks and Gluons
- The Standard Model and Beyond
- Rare Decays of Flavor Hadrons and Leptons
- Oscillations with Neutral Mesons and Neutrons
- Direct CP Violation for Flavor Hadrons
- CP Asymmetries in the Transitions of Top Quarks
- CP Violation in the Transitions of Leptons
- Strong CP Violation
- Axions
- Moments for the Charged Leptons
- EDMs for Baryons
- Super-Symmetry
- CP Violation in Modern Cosmology
- Learn From the Past and Lessons for the Future
- Epilogue
- Bibliography
- Index
Readership: This is suitable for readers who know quantum mechanics and quantum field theories in general.

Ikaros Bigi was born in Munich, Germany; he has taught and researched at the Max-Planck Institute in Munich, CERN, RWTH Aachen, UCLA, the University of Oregon, SLAC and the University of Notre Dame. He is a former scholarship student of the Maximilianeum Foundation and Scholarship Foundation of the German People; he had been appointed as a Heisenberg Fellow. A widely recognized particle physicist and theorist, Professor Bigi has been central in showing that differences exist between matter and antimatter — referred to as CP violation — and that these asymmetries demonstrate why the universe is not a vast empty void. Together with A Sanda, he had received the 2004 J J Sakurai Prize by the American Physical Society for his "pioneering theoretical insights that pointed the way to the very fruitful experimental study of CP violation in B decays."

Giulia Ricciardi is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Napoli Federico II. She is currently research associate at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and scientific associate at CERN. She was awarded her PhD in theoretical physics summa cum laude by Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Her career has started as a postdoctoral fellow, and subsequently research associate, at Harvard University, and has continued in leading Universities and Research Institutions in Italy and abroad. Her research field is theoretical physics at high energies, with focus on flavor physics. She has received various prizes for her scientific production, and collaborates in some experimental projects, included Belle II and T2K. She is on the scientific board of several conference committees and has founded and chaired an ongoing series of international conferences on elementary particles since 2006.

Marco Pallavicini is Full Professor of Experimental Physics at the University of Genova, Italy and research associate at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). He started his career in 1990 at Fermilab (charmonium physics on ppbar accumulator) and SLAC (CP violation with B mesons at BaBar) and later moved to underground physics at Gran Sasso, working mostly on neutrino physics (solar and geoneutrinos with BOREXino and 0vββ decay search with CUORE) and dark matter search (DARKSIDE). He chaired the Borexino Scientific Steering Committee from 2003 to 2011 and has been co-spokeperson of Borexino since 2011. He recently started to work for the DUNE project at FNAL for the study of CP violation in the lepton sector. He's coauthor of 412 papers [Inspire Jan. 2021]. He chaired the INFN Astroparticle Physics Commission from 2014 to 2020 and is now member of the INFN Exec Board.