The purpose of this book is to provide a systematic and policy-focused analysis of Korea's development performance from a historical perspective. The book begins with post-war reconstruction efforts and extends to recent developments in the Korean economy. Through a comprehensive analysis of Korea's development performance over the last six decades, the book examines in detail how development strategies and policies evolved over time, what were their consequences and underlying factors, and what lessons can be drawn from the Korean experience. A wide range of issues are discussed, including the role of government, capital accumulation, growth and structural change, industrial development and concentration, economic liberalization, human resource and technology development, social development and income distribution. The important features of the Korean development model are highlighted to draw lessons from the Korean experience.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: A Historical Overview
- A Historical Overview
- Role of Government
- Capital Accumulation
- Growth and Structural Change
- Industrial Development and Structural Transformation
- Industrialization and SME Development
- Industrialization and Concentration of Economic Power
- Liberalization Policy and Process
- Financial Crisis and Policy Response
- Education and Human Resource Development
- Industrialization and Science and Technology Policy
- Social Development and Income Distribution
- Growth Driving Forces and Growth Prospects
- The Korean Development Model: Characteristics and Lessons
Readership: For those who are interested to understand Korea's development from the historical perspective.
"Professor Chuk Kyo Kim, a respected senior research economist, tells a highly insightful and convincing story of Korea's economic development. This most updated book of the Korean economy certainly deserves special attention of both development economics students and policy makers."
Dr Il SaKong
former Minister of Finance, Korea and
former Professor, New York University
"This book provides an outstanding overview as well as penetrating analysis of Korea's miracle economic performance. The author highlighted the key factors responsible for Korea's spectacular economic achievement and explained how these factors worked together in an outward-looking development framework for Korea. This is a must-read for policymakers, practitioners, and academics who wish to understand how Korea transformed from economic backwardness to rapid industrialization."
Choong Yong Ahn
Distinguished Professor
Chung-Ang University, Korea

Chuk Kyo Kim is a Professor Emeritus of Economics at the College of Economy and Finance, Hanyang University. He was Senior Fellow and Research Director at the Korea Development Institute (1971–1979), Vice President of the Korea International Economic Institute (1979–1981), and the founding president of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (1989–1992). He participated in the formulation of Korea's five-year development plans and worked in the capacity of advisor for the Economic Planning Board, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Finance and Economy. Over the years, Dr Kim has worked as a consultant for the ADB, UNDP, UNIDO, UNSFIR as well as for KOICA and shared his expertise with developing nations including China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Uzbekistan and Paraguay. He served as President of the Korea International Economic Association in 1986. He co-authored the Public Finances during the Korean Modernization Process published by Harvard University Press in 1986 and has also extensively written on the problems of Korean economic development.