Gravitational lensing has become an indispensable tool in observational cosmology. This book provides first the theoretical foundation of the observations based on general relativity and then the detailed explanation of gravitational lensing as well as its various applications in the field.
- Cosmological Observations:
- Cosmological Expansion and Dark Energy
- Structure Formation and Dark Matter
- CMB and its Temperature Fluctuations
- Basic of General Relativity:
- Special Relativity as an Introduction to General Relativity
- Curved Spacetime and Einstein Equation
- Light Propagation in the Gravitational Field
- Theory of Gravitational Lensing:
- The Gravitational Lensing Equation
- Strong Lensing
- Weak Lensing
- Various Applications of Gravitational Lensing:
Readership: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in physics and astronomy.