This is the proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computing: Theory and Practice, WCTP 2017 devoted to theoretical and practical approaches to computation. This workshop was organized by four top universities in Japan and the Philippines: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Osaka University, University of the Philippines Diliman, and De La Salle University. The proceedings provides a view of the current movement in computational research in these two countries. The papers included in the proceedings focus on both: theoretical and practical aspects of computation.
Sample Chapter(s)
Approximation of Two Simple Variations of the Poset Cover Problem
- Approximation of Two Simple Variations of the Poset Cover Problem (Ordanel, I, Adorna, H N, Clemente, J)
- A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Computing the Translocation Syntenic Distance of Special Graphs (Basiloña, J R B, Gueco, M R T, Clemente, J, Juayong, R A, Malinao J, Adorna, H N, Yap, J M)
- An Oracle Design for Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm for Solving the Exact String Matching Problem (Aborot, J A)
- PepSquad: A Tool for Finding Compact Structural Motifs from Peptides (Carandang, J P A, Clemente, J B, Evangelista, J E M, Adorna, H N)
- An Actor-Based Execution Model of an FRP Language for Small-Scale Embedded Systems (Watanabe, T)
- A Clique Finding Algorithm for the Approximate Gene Cluster Discovery Problem (Solano, G, Blin, G, Raffinot, M, Caro, J)
- A Restart Strategy with Time Delay in Distributed Minimax Optimization (Hanada, K, Wada, T, Fujisaki, Y)
- Untyped Call-by-Value Calculus with First-Class Continuations and Environments (Aoyagi, Y, Nishizaki, S)
- Towards Improvements of Bounded Realizability Checking (Shimakawa, M, Hagihara, S, Yonezaki, N)
- On Testing the Usability of Diabetes Bridge: A Mobile Application to Manage Health Care for People with Diabetes (Altea, M C P, Apostol, R J E, Isip-Tan, I T, Feria, R P, Solamo, Ma R C, Figueroa, L L)
- A Comparison of Filipino and Japanese Facial Expressions and Hand Gestures in Relation to Affective States in Programming Sessions (Tiam-Lee, T J, Sumi, K)
- Using Body Posture, Movement and Human Activity to Predict Emotions (Calapat, E A, Suarez, M C)
- Online Legal Case Management for a Multi-Tiered Organization (Tubojan, T D, Yacapin J J, Caro, J)
- Bisociative Serendipity Music Recommendation (Sopchoke, S, Fukui, K, Numao, M)
- Redesign of WappenLite: A Localhost Web Application Framework for Web-based Programming Environments (Kagawa, K)
- Evaluating RoboKuma: A Serious Game to Measure Cognitive Abilities (Matias, A C, Amadora, A J, Aquino, K N, Choy, M S, Cabredo, R)
- Hacking Contest Rule and an Official Practice of Information Security Event with Attack and Defense Style on a Game Website (Nakaya, M, Tominaga, H)
Readership: Graduate students, academics and researchers in the field of artificial intelligence, software engineering and programming.