This volume contains papers by the main participants in the meeting of the 6th International Colloquium on Differential Geometry and its Related Fields (ICDG2018).
The volume consists of papers devoted to the study of recent topics in geometric structures on manifolds — which are related to complex analysis, symmetric spaces and surface theory — and also in discrete mathematics.
Thus, it presents a broad overview of differential geometry and provides up-to-date information to researchers and young scientists in this field, and also to those working in the wide spectrum of mathematics.
Supplementary Material(s)
In Memory of Professor Stancho Dimiev
PDF files for Chapter 1 "Einstein Metrics On Special Unitary Groups SU(2n)" (18MB)
- Preface
- Organizing, Local and Scientific Advisory Committees
- Presentations
- In Memory of Professor Stancho Dimiev
- Einstein Metrics on Special Unitary Groups SU(2n) (Andreas ARVANITOYEORGOS, Yusuke SAKANE and Marina STATHA)
- Construction of Noncompact Lagrangian Orbits in Some Hermitian Symmetric Spaces of Noncompact Type (Takahiro HASHINAGA)
- Complex Curves and Isotropic Minimal Surfaces in HyperKähler 4-Manifolds (Naoya ANDO)
- (α,ε)-Structures of General Natural Lift Type on Cotangent Bundles (Simona-Luiza DRUŢĂ-ROMANIUC)
- Eigenvalues of Regular Kähler Graphs Having Commutative Adjacency Operators (Toshiaki ADACHI)
- Semi-Riemannian D-General Warping Manifolds (Cornelia-Livia BEJAN and Sinem GÜLER)
- Symmetric Triad with Multiplicities and Generalized Duality with Applications to Leung's Classification Theorems (Osamu IKAWA)
- An Indecomposable Representation and the Complex Vector Space of Holomorphic Vector Fields on a Pseudo-Hermitian Symmetric Space (Nobutaka BOUMUKI)
- Non-Flat Totally Geodesic Surfaces of SU(4)/SO(4) and Fibre Bundle Structures Related to SU(4) (Hideya HASHIMOTO, Misa OHASHI and Kazuhiro SUZUKI)
- An Algorithm for Computing the Weight Distribution of a Linear Code Over a Composite Finite Field with characteristic 2 (Paskal PIPERKOV, Iliya BOUYUKLIEV and Stefka BOUYUKLIEVA)
- Extrinsic Shapes of Trajectories on Real Hypersurfaces of Type (B) in a Complex Hyperbolic Space (Tuya BAO and Toshiaki ADACHI)
- Periodic Surfaces of Revolution in ℝ³ and Closed Plane Curves (Yasuhiro NAKAGAWA and Hidekazu SATO)
Readership: Professionals, researchers and graduate students in differential geometry, complex analysis, probability theory and mathematical physics.