This four-volume handbook gives a state-of-the-art overview of porous materials, from synthesis and characterization and simulation all the way to manufacturing and industrial applications. The editors, coming from academia and industry, are known for their didactic skills as well as their technical expertise. Coordinating the efforts of 37 expert authors in 14 chapters, they construct the story of porous carbons, ceramics, zeolites and polymers from varied viewpoints: surface and colloidal science, materials science, chemical engineering, and energy engineering. Volumes 1 and 2 cover the fundamentals of preparation, characterisation, and simulation of porous materials. Working from the fundamentals all the way to the practicalities of industrial production processes, the subjects include hierarchical materials, in situ and operando characterisation using NMR, X-Ray scattering and tomography, state-of-the-art molecular simulations of adsorption and diffusion in crystalline nanoporous materials, as well as the emerging areas of bio-artificing and drug delivery. Volume 3 focuses on porous materials in industrial separation applications, including adsorption separation, membrane separation, and osmotic distillation. Finally, and highly relevant to tomorrow's energy challenges, Volume 4 explains the energy engineering aspects of applying porous materials in supercapacitors, fuel cells, batteries, electrolysers and sub-surface energy applications.
The text contains many high-quality colourful illustrations and examples, as well as thousands of up-to-date references to peer-reviewed articles, reports and websites for further reading. This comprehensive and well-written handbook is a must-have reference for universities, research groups and companies working with porous materials.
Related Link(s)
Sample Chapter(s)
Preface by Editors-in-Chief
Preface by Volume Editor — Vol. 1
CHAPTER 2: Modern Synthesis Routes to Hierarchically-Structured Porous Materials
- Volume 1: Introduction, Synthesis and Manufacturing of Porous Materials (Vitaly Gitis):
- The Basics (Vitaly Gitis and Gadi Rothenberg)
- Modern Synthesis Routes to Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials (Paolo P Pescarmona)
- Industrial Production of Porous Materials (Raimond Bonné)
- Volume 2: Characterisation and Simulation of Porous Materials (Gadi Rothenberg):
- Characterization of Porous Materials by Densities, Adsorption Techniques and Mercury Porosimetry (Marjo C Mittelmeijer-Hazeleger)
- Characterization under Practical Conditions: Time-Domain NMR, X-Ray Scattering and Tomography (Simon Velasquez Morales, J David Londono, and Alan M Allgeier)
- Porous Carbon Materials (Vitaliy Budarin)
- Molecular Simulations of Adsorption and Diffusion in Crystalline Nanoporous Materials (David Dubbeldam, Sofia Calero, Thijs J H Vlugt, and Randall Q Snurr)
- Volume 3: Separations Using Porous Materials (Anton A Kiss):
- Adsorption Separation Processes (Anton A Kiss and Tanja Dekic Zivkovic)
- Porous Ceramics — Basics and Applications in Food and Water Industries (Vitaly Gitis and Gadi Rothenberg)
- Membrane and Osmotic Distillation Processes (Nazely Diban, Olga Kattan and Anton A Kiss)
- Volume 4: Porous Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (David Eisenberg):
- Modeling Nanoporous Materials for the Next Generation of Supercapacitors (Cheng Lian, Kun Liu, Yun Tian, David J Wesolowski and Jianzhong Wu)
- Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers: Nanoporous Materials for Electrocatalysis (Tao Zhang and Tewodros Asefa)
- Batteries: The Effect of Porosity (Andreas Stein)
- Subsurface Energy: Flow and Reactive-Transport in Porous and Fractured Media (M K Mudunuru, J W Carey, L Chen, Q Kang, S Karra, V V Vesselinov, R S Middleton, P A Johnson and H S Viswanathan)
Readership: This comprehensive reference work is most suitable for university libraries as well as technical institutes, industrial R&D departments and national and key laboratories. It is written for researchers, graduate students and engineers working in materials science, the energy transition, chemistry and chemical engineering. An up-to-date reference as well as a roadmap of the latest characterisation methods and applications of porous materials, it is useful for professionals in both academia and industry.
About the Editors-in-Chief
Vitaly Gitis is Professor of Energy Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, where he teaches courses on chemistry, separation processes, and alternative energy sources. His research interests embrace granular and membrane filtration separation processes, multi-layered ceramic membranes, wastewater treatment processes, and colloidal chemistry. Gitis has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, co-authored the textbook Ceramic Membranes — New Opportunities and Practical Applications, and invented two patents. Since joining BGU he has mentored over 40 graduate students. He serves on several scientific and management committees, including the IWA Specialist Group on Particle Separation. In 2010 he was appointed as Marie Curie Visiting Professor at the University of Amsterdam, and in 2018 he was appointed as Visiting Professor at University of Adelaide.
Gadi Rothenberg is Professor and Chair of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where he teaches courses on catalysis and workshops on scientific writing and innovation. His research interests include clean energy, biomass conversion, and creating value from waste. Rothenberg has published two books and over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, invented 16 patents, and co-founded the companies Sorbisense, Yellow Diesel and Plantics. His textbook Catalysis: Concepts & Green Applications is used by teachers and students worldwide. The impact of his work is reflected in several distinctions, including the European Commission Marie Curie Excellence Award, the Paul Rylander Award from the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society, and the "lecturer of the year" award by the UvA chemistry students. In 2017 he was appointed as Senior Visiting Scholar at Fudan University in Shanghai, and in 2018 he was appointed as Lady Davis Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Since January 2020 he is also the Technical Director CO₂ and Circular Economy of the Shanghai Institute for CleanTech Innovation. For more information see
About the Editors
Vitaly Gitis is Professor of Energy Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, where he teaches courses on chemistry, separation processes, and alternative energy sources. His research interests embrace granular and membrane filtration separation processes, multi-layered ceramic membranes, wastewater treatment processes, and colloidal chemistry. Gitis has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, co-authored the textbook Ceramic Membranes — New Opportunities and Practical Applications, and invented two patents. Since joining BGU he has mentored over 40 graduate students. He serves on several scientific and management committees, including the IWA Specialist Group on Particle Separation. In 2010 he was appointed as Marie Curie Visiting Professor at the University of Amsterdam, and in 2018 he was appointed as Visiting Professor at University of Adelaide.
Gadi Rothenberg is Professor and Chair of Heterogeneous Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where he teaches courses on catalysis and workshops on scientific writing and innovation. His research interests include clean energy, biomass conversion, and creating value from waste. Rothenberg has published two books and over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals, invented 16 patents, and co-founded the companies Sorbisense, Yellow Diesel and Plantics. His textbook Catalysis: Concepts & Green Applications is used by teachers and students worldwide. The impact of his work is reflected in several distinctions, including the European Commission Marie Curie Excellence Award, the Paul Rylander Award from the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society, and the "lecturer of the year" award by the UvA chemistry students. In 2017 he was appointed as Senior Visiting Scholar at Fudan University in Shanghai, and in 2018 he was appointed as Lady Davis Visiting Professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Since January 2020 he is also the Technical Director CO₂ and Circular Economy of the Shanghai Institute for CleanTech Innovation. For more information see
Anton A Kiss is a Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Manchester and a holder of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. He is a Fellow of IChemE, with over 20 years of experience in industrial and academic research. Having worked at AkzoNobel Chemicals as Senior Project Manager and RD&I specialist in chemical process technology, he has a wealth of industrial experience in process systems engineering, process intensification, separation technology, and chemical process design. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles in highly ranked journals, and over 15 book chapters or textbooks. Kiss has co-authored three popular books: Advanced Distillation Technologies, Integrated Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes, and Heat Pumps in Chemical Process Industry, and co-invented 9 patent families. He is an editorial board member of Chemical Engineering Research and Design and Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. As recognition for his work, he received the prestigious Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs and the AkzoNobel Innovation Excellence Award for the most successful industrial innovation in 2013, the Pirkey Distinguished Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin in 2017, and the CHEMCON 2019 Distinguished Speaker Award for innovators and science leaders from the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers. For more information see
David Eisenberg is an Assistant Professor at the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion — Israel Institute of Technology. His research is at the interface between electrocatalysis and materials chemistry. In his quest to understand the formation of complex materials, and how their structure is linked with their activity, he studies porosity engineering in carbons, multi-doping in composite materials, and various electrocatalytic reactions in the oxygen- and nitrogen-cycles. Before joining the Technion, Eisenberg completed a PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, lead a research team at the Advanced Materials department of an Israeli National Lab, and pursued Post-doctoral research as a Fulbright Fellow in the USA and in the Netherlands. At the Technion, he teaches courses on inorganic chemistry, electrochemistry and analytical chemistry, having received several teaching awards. Eisenberg enjoys taking his group on outreach activities, studying alone and with friends, and spending time with his family. For more information see