The book is designed for undergraduate or beginning level graduate students, and students from interdisciplinary areas including engineers, and others who need to use partial differential equations, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms. The prerequisite is a basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, and ordinary differential equations.
The textbook aims to be practical, elementary, and reasonably rigorous; the book is concise in that it describes fundamental solution techniques for first order, second order, linear partial differential equations for general solutions, fundamental solutions, solution to Cauchy (initial value) problems, and boundary value problems for different PDEs in one and two dimensions, and different coordinates systems. Analytic solutions to boundary value problems are based on Sturm–Liouville eigenvalue problems and series solutions.
The book is accompanied with enough well tested Maple files and some Matlab codes that are available online. The use of Maple makes the complicated series solution simple, interactive, and visible. These features distinguish the book from other textbooks available in the related area.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: First order partial differential equations
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- Preface
- Introduction
- First Order Partial Differential Equations
- Solution to One-Dimensional Wave Equations
- Orthogonal Functions & Expansions, and Sturm-Liouville Theory
- Method of Separation Variables for Solving PDE BVPs in Cartesian Coordinates
- Various Fourier Series, Properties and Convergence
- Series Solutions of PDEs of Boundary Value Problems
- Fourier and Laplace Transforms
- Numerical Solution Techniques
- Appendices A: ODE Review and Other Useful Information
- Appendices B: Introduction to Maple
- Bibliography
- Index
Readership: Undergraduate, beginning level mathematics/physics graduate students, students from interdisciplinary areas and engineering.
Zhilin Li is a tenured full professor at the Center for Scientific Computation and the Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University. His research area is in applied mathematics in general, particularly in numerical analysis for partial differential equations, moving interface/free boundary problems, irregular domain problems, computational fluid mechanics and mathematical biology, and scientific computing and simulations for interdisciplinary applications. Li has authored one monograph: "The Immersed Interface Method", two textbooks, hundreds scientific papers, and also edited several books and proceedings.
Larry Norris is an emeritus professor at the Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University. His research area includes mathematical physics; general relativity, gauge theories, unified field theories; generalized symplectic geometry. He has published a number of textbooks.