The elastic constant (EC) is a very important mechanical property of the these materials and its significance is already well known in literature. This first monograph solely deals with the quantum effects in EC of heavily doped (HD) low dimensional materials. The materials considered are HD quantum confined nonlinear optical, III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, GaP, Ge, PtSb₂, stressed materials, GaSb, Te, II-V, Bi₂Te₃, lead germanium telluride, zinc and cadmium diphosphides, and quantum confined III-V, II-VI, IV-VI, and HgTe/CdTe super-lattices with graded interfaces and effective mass super-lattices. The presence of intense light waves in optoelectronics and strong electric field in nano-devices changes the band structure of semiconductors in fundamental ways, which have also been incorporated in the study of EC in HD low dimensional optoelectronic compounds that control the studies of the HD quantum effect devices under strong fields. The importance of measurement of band gap in optoelectronic materials under intense external fields has also been discussed in this context. The influences of magnetic quantization, crossed electric and quantizing fields, electric field and light waves on the EC in HD semiconductors and super-lattices are discussed.
The content of this book finds twenty-five different applications in the arena of nano-science and nano-technology. We The authors have discussed the experimental methods of determining the Einstein Relation, screening length and EC in this context. This book contains circa 200 open research problems which form the integral part of the text and are useful for both PhD aspirants and researchers in the fields of condensed matter physics, materials science, solid state sciences, nano-science and technology and allied fields in addition to the graduate courses in semiconductor nanostructures.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 2: The CECs in HD Kane-type Materials in the Presence of Intense Electric Field
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Heavily Doped Kane-type Materials in the Presence of Light Waves
- The CECs in HD Kane-type Materials in the Presence of Intense Electric Field
- The CEC in Quantum Wells (QWs) of Heavily Doped (HD) Non-Parabolic Materials
- The CECs in Nanowires (NWs) of Heavily Doped (HD) Non-Parabolic Materials
- The CECs in Quantum Dots of Heavily Doped Non-Parabolic Materials
- The CECs in Heavily Doped (HD) Non-Parabolic Materials under Magnetic Quantization
- The CECs in HDs under Cross-Fields Configuration
- Conclusion and Scope for Future Research
- Appendices:
- The CECs in QWs of Heavily Doped (HD) Non-Parabolic Materials under Magneto-Size Quantization
- The CECs in Heavily Doped Ultra-Thin Films (HDUFs) under Cross-Fields Configuration
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Doping Superlattices of HD Non-Parabolic Materials
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Doping Superlattices of HD Non-Parabolic Materials under Magnetic Quantization
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Accumulation and Inversion Layers of Non-Parabolic Materials
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Accumulation and Inversion Layers of Non-Parabolic Materials under Magnetic Quantization
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Quantum Well Heavily Doped Superlattices
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Quantum Wire Heavily Doped Superlattices
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Quantum Dot Heavily Doped Superlattices
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Heavily Doped Superlattices under Magnetic Quantization
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Quantum Well Heavily Doped Superlattices under Magnetic Quantization
- The Carrier Contribution to the Elastic Constants in Low-Dimensional Heavily Doped Systems in the Presence of Magnetic Field
Readership: This book is written for graduate and post graduate students, researchers, engineers and professionals in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, semiconductors and related areas, nano-electronics, condensed matter physics, solid state sciences, materials science, nano-science and technology and nano-structured materials in general.
Professor Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak (h-index 34, i-10 index 168, maximum citation of a research paper 359 & total citations 5297) obtained his PhD (Tech) degree from the famous Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics of the University of Calcutta in 1988 on the basis of 27 published research papers in eminent SCI journals which is still a record of the said Institute. He was the first recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Engineering of Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 1991 since the University inception in 1955 and in the same year he received the INSA visiting fellowship to IIT-Kharagpur.
Prof. Ghatak is the principal co-author of more than 400 research papers in SCI journals and 60 research papers in the proceedings of the conferences of SPIE and MRS held in USA. He is the principal co-author of 8 monographs on various topics of Nano Science and Technology. He is also the sole author of two monographs of Springer-Verlag, Germany and two monographs (Vols. 7 and 8) in the Series on the Foundations of Natural Science and Technology of World Scientific. He is the principal editor of two edited monographs in series in Nanotechnology of NOVA, USA.
Prof. Ghatak has successfully supervised more than 30 PhD students in different topics of Nanotechnology/Materials Science and the list includes Director, Vice-Chancellor, Principal and Professor of different reputed institutes, universities and colleges.
He was Assistant Professor in the Department of Radio physics and Electronics of the University of Calcutta from 1983–1987, Associate Professor in the Department of ETCE of Jadavpur University from 1987–1994, Professor and HOD of Electronic Science of the University of Calcutta from 1994–2012, HOD and Dean of the National Institute of Technology, Agartala from 2012–2014 and from January 2015 he has joined in the IEM UEM group, Kolkata as Senior Professor and Dean Engineering. He was at the top of the merit lists in all the above cases.
He is the referee of different reputed international journals and his present research interest is Quantized Structures. His brief CV has been enlisted in many biographical references of USA and UK.
Professor Madhuchanda Mitra received her BTech, MTech and PhD (Tech) degrees in 1987, 1989 and 1998, respectively, from the University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India. She is a recipient of "Griffith Memorial Award" of the University of Calcutta. She is the principal co-author of 150 scientific research papers in international peer reviewed journals and is the supervisor of sixteen PhD candidates. Her present research interests are nano science and technology, identification of different biomarkers and biomedical signal processing which includes feature extraction, compression, encryption and classification of ECG and PPG signals. At present she is Professor in the Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta, India, where she has been actively engaged in both teaching and research in Instrumentation Engineering.