The theme of circular causation has nascent origin in the field of sociology of economics with vast development applications and with epistemological issues on modeling in the framework of the phenomenon of pervasive interconnectedness. Thus the sociological theme of epistemic unity of knowledge grounds the theory and application of the theory and models of circular causation to the vast realm of socioeconomic development issues.
The theory and application of circular causation has methodological similarities with Gunnar Myrdal's theory of social causation and Joseph Schumpeter's and Hayek's learning models of evolutionary phenomena. One can re-engineer many important works by sociological economists in and by the methodology of circular causation. Among these other important works are capabilities and functioning by Amartya Sen; John Rawls' evolutionary good society aspiring for social justice; adaptation of Ilya Prigogine's theory of being and becoming to social, economic and development phenomenon; and George Soros' theory of reflexivity in history and financial markets. The proponent of this book has pioneered the area of theory and application of circular causation extensively.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: How to Study Islamic Economics as a Science in Reference to the Qur′an and the Sunnah
- Prologue
- Preface
- About the Author
- Acknowledgment
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- How to Study Islamic Economics as a Science in Reference to the Qur'an and the Sunnah
- Tawhidi Islamic Economic Methodology
- The Scope of Tawhidi Islamic Economics (TIE)
- The Formulation of Islamic Economic Model
- Islamic Participatory Instruments and the Ethical Dimensions
- The Dual Theories of Consumer Behaviour and Markets
- Dual Theories of the Firm
- Macroeconomic Theory in Mainstream and Tawhidi Islamic Economic (TIE) Perspectives
- Monetary, Financial, and Real Economy Issues in TIE in Comparative Perspectives
- Conclusion: What Have We Learnt? Quo Vadis?
- Index
Readership: For readers who are keen to understand the difference between Islamic Economics and mainstream economics.
Professor Choudhury is one of the original initiators of the organized way of pursuing academic activity in Islamic economics. In North America he was a founding member of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) of the United States and Canada. Distinctly, he with his colleagues established the Post-Graduate Program in Islamic Economics and Finance (IEF) in the Faculty of Economics, Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. He is the International Chair in IEF since the last nineteen years. Professor Choudhury is an annual summer Visiting Professor in the Social Economy Center of Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in the University of Toronto. Until his academic retirement he served for twenty-years as full-professor of economics in Cape Breton University, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also held professorial positions in various universities around the world.
Professor Choudhury originated the methodology of Tawhid as the monotheistic ontological law of unity of knowledge as the epistemological foundation of the Theory of Islamic Economics: He is the originator of the Tawhidi Epistemological Methodology in its analytical form as meta-science. In this capacity he originated the application of the Tawhidi Epistemological Methodology in Islamic Economics and Finance: He is the originator of the Model of Wellbeing (Maslaha); Circular Causation Relational Model for empirical simulation of the objective criterion of wellbeing in Islamic Economics and Finance.
Professor Choudhury discovered the paradigm of endogenous ethics and evolutionary learning social processes. This scholarly idea is projected in his initiated journal now entitled as International Journal of Ethics and Systems (IJOES). IJOES is published quarterly by the reputed Emerald Publications. Professor Choudhury is the Editor-in-Chief of IJOES. Professor Choudhury is now carrying on his great works in the above-mentioned field and teaches and supervises doctoral students in IEF- Trisakti University.