As a doctor who has been treating patients for a few decades, Dr Zhong Nanshan's goal is to help people have a deeper understanding of the importance of health and their current sub-health status. In this book, Dr Zhong highlights five fundamental elements focusing on the key to a healthy life. He leads us to gain control of our health and lead a better lifestyle.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of people are beginning to realise how crucial it is to have a healthy lifestyle. Without using complex medical jargon, this book effectively guides all who are keen to improve their health and general well-being, through easy-to-understand procedures, colorful illustrations and up-to-date charts.
Sample Chapter(s)
- About Health:
- Health is the Foundation of the Future
- An Acute Disease Alarmed Me
- Definition of Health
- Understanding Sub-Health
- Most White-Collar Workers are in the State of Sub-Health
- We All Have Three Ages
- High-Income People Age Fast
- Middle Age is the Protection Period of Life
- Health is Determined by a Healthy Lifestyle:
- Factors that Affect Health
- Lifestyle Diseases are the Top Killer of Human Health
- The Main Risk Factors for Chronic Diseases are: Unhealthy Diet, Insufficient Exercise and Smoking
- My Health is in My Own Hands
- Chronic Diseases are Preventable and Treatable
- The Five Cornerstones of Health:
- Psychological Balance
- Balanced Diet
- Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol Consumption
- Proper Exercise
- Early Prevention and Treatment
Readership: This book is aimed at a wider public that is increasingly concerned about issues involving health and general well-being. It will also be a useful reference for nutritionists, general practitioners and patient caregivers.